Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

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Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by mel1978 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:02 pm

Hi guys, I am so stuck on this, have spent at least 3 hours Googling etc. Its doing my head in. This is the last Question on my Assessment.

Outcome 4 of the Early Years Learning Framework Belonging, Being & Becoming states “Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, co-operation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity” (Page 34).)
Using the column ‘Educators promote this learning, for example, when they…’ Document three (3) Educator strategies which will support Larry’s interests identified in the scenario and identify how you would implement a strategy for Larry to meet the strategy outcome.

The Scenario:
Larry Rainbow (4yrs born on 16th of August 2010) has just started attending Skittles Family Day-care 5 days a week and wears the same clothes often for 4 or 5 days in a row. His clothes show evidence of the painting activities done the day before and are quite smelly. The educator attempts to change him but finds no spare clothes in his bag.
Educator uses centre spare clothes to change Larry and finds multiple sized bruises on his upper right thigh and a large bruise on the left side of his ribs.

He is always the first to sit at the table to wait for his lunch and always says that he is hungry. He has little food supplied daily in his lunch box despite educators asking his parents for extra food to satisfy the minimum daily requirements for nutrition and also to satisfy his hunger.
On many occasions when his mum rushes in to drop him off in the morning, she says that there was no time for breakfast but that he can wait for morning tea which is not far away. The educator then supplies him with some toast anyways. As Larry is eating his toast he complains about a sore right wrist. Upon educator looking at his wrist believes it to be broken due to colouring and severe swelling.
The educator is sitting at the morning tea table with the children and starts talking about what the children do when they go home. Some of the children say they sit and watch TV and then have dinner. Others say they have to have a shower or bath and put their pyjamas on while mummy cooks their dinner. It is at this point that Larry says he never has to have baths; he just plays in his room and sometimes gets to choose biscuits for dinner time.

The educator decides to not further question Larry at the morning tea table but later talks to Larry when he is at the painting table by himself and asks what sorts of things he has for dinner. Larry again repeats what he said earlier and further explains that he gets to have spaghetti sometimes which is his favourite but mostly has sandwiches and sometimes gets left over take away if mummy doesn’t eat it all.
At all times the educator responded with nods and was aware of ensuring positive body language.
When the educator checks Larry’s record at the centre, she finds that he lives in unit 5/230 Brisbane Street, Neverland.
She is also reminded that Larry’s mother is a single parent and is not currently employed and is behind on payments for care by 4 weeks.
His file has other information such as Larry has a pet fish called Robert and has one cousin that lives nearby but no siblings.
She has also observed that Larry loves painting and other craft activities but has difficulty identifying and remembering his colours.

This is the example they have given me:
Strategy: Promote in children a strong sense of who they are and their connectedness to others – a shared identity as Australians
Implementation: Creating a family wall where Larry brings in a family photo with cousins.

I only have one Answer so far and not even sure if I am on the right track:
Strategy: Recognise and value children’s involvement in learning.
Implementation: Hang and display their paintings and artwork with a peg on a string that hangs across the room. Making sure to remind the children at the end of the day, to show whoever is collecting the child in the afternoon.
Last edited by Lorina on Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by Lorina » Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:48 am

I have that document you require so I'll add it below.

Just as an example for educators promote this learning by you could do "support children’s efforts, assisting and encouraging as appropriate" (outcome 1.2.7) and to implement strategy you could encourage Larry to develop his skills in recognising shapes etc.

How Educators Promote Outcomes

Hope this helps,


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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by mel1978 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:54 am

Thankyou Lorina, ur a legend :)

What is your onion on my answers, (I do have a learning difficulty which makes me nerves and upset when I don't understand the question):

1. provide learning environments that are flexible and open-ended:
Have a different colour for every week, making the learning environments one colour. Lunch plates one colour, cups, paper, paint, use a bed sheet as a tent for the colour of the week, etc.

2. recognise and value children’s involvement in learning:
Hang and display their paintings and artwork everywhere around the room, with their name marked on it eg: with a peg on a string that hangs across the room, Paintings and art on the walls, etc.

3. model inquiry processes, including wonder, curiosity and imagination, try new ideas and take on challenges:
Set up different learning Tables: Multi Coloured Blocks, Lego and the exercise is pick out the colour of the week, Bring different shades of the same colour and ask the kids to draw with many colours of red, many colours of green, etc., On each colour week, ask kids to cut out items in that colour from a magazine

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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by mel1978 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:32 pm

Good Evening Lorina,
I have one more Question, I am hoping you can help shine a light on and if this could be correct.

Question 6 Assessment 2 Legal. Using the same scenario:

What further internal and external, the support or strategies could the educator provide family to minimise future conflicts of interest for the care of the child involved? Please clearly explain two (2) strategies you would use.

My answers:

1. Strategies /Support:
The Educator could suggest these services to the family: Parenting information services, Family wellbeing programs such as cooking, support services, healthy lifestyle courses, etc. The reason why I chose these: to benefit the family with having a healthier lifestyle at home, hopefully making better choices with feeding Larry nutritional foods and adding more to his lunch box to satisfy his hunger.

2. Strategies /Support:
The Educator could suggest these services to help support the families financial/family needs: child-raising support programs, parent education, support and advice. Support for parents to link families with their local support networks, health services, child health and development, advice and information, financial counselling services. The reason why I chose these services: these services would help with any financial difficulty's the parents maybe experiencing, if Larry is being abused then these services could help the family understand how children grow, develop, etc. Also giving advice on parenting skills which will help in areas they maybe struggling with.

I am soooooo stuck lol :)

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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by Lorina » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:34 am

Provide learning environments that are flexible and open-ended:

Using open ended materials - scarves, play dough, boxes, blocks, pebbles, rocks, stones, sand etc.
recognise and value children’s involvement in learning:

Add photos (at children's height) of them involved in different activities/experiences
What further internal and external, the support or strategies could the educator provide family to minimise future conflicts of interest for the care of the child involved? Please clearly explain two (2) strategies you would use.

How about Centrelink to provide mother with financial benefits and support and Salvation Army to provide family support...

Hope this helps,


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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by mel1978 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:09 am

Thankyou, thankyou thankyou, now I really understand. I find it a little hard in understanding some of the questions, but u are amazing, u help so many people :)

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Re: Scenario: Larry - Supporting Interests

Post by Lorina » Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:18 am

Aww, thanks Mel! That's really sweet! I'm here to help so knowing I've helped you makes me happy!!


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