CHCECE002 - Scenario: Neve - Nut & Egg Allergy & Additional Staff Training

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CHCECE002 - Scenario: Neve - Nut & Egg Allergy & Additional Staff Training

Post by Luannev89 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:59 am

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCECE002
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
Case Study 6:
Q4) how would you ensure Neve does not eat nuts and eggs, and is catered for during meal times?

Q5) what training would be necessary for the staff before Neve commences?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Q4) Create a fortnightly meal plan with Neve's parents and the Centre Chef to make sure that Neve's allergens are avoided

Q5) All Staff need training in Anaphylaxis and CPR, and must hold their first aid certifications in order to know how to deal with an Anaphylaxis Allergic reaction.

Description and Message:
I know that there are more details that I should be adding in these two questions, but I am stuck, and desperately requiring much needed help. If anyone has links to websites that I can read please feel free to share...

Thank You,

Luanne :D
Last edited by Lorina on Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHCECE002 - Scenario: Neve - Nut & Egg Allergy & Additional Staff Training

Post by aprillee » Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:55 pm

I read while study food allergies yesterday I read that most parents might not mind having warning signs up that their child cannot eat certain foods, I'm not sure if this is 100% percent true. If you could though, thus showing the child cannot eat these products.

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Re: CHCECE002 - Scenario: Neve - Nut & Egg Allergy & Additional Staff Training

Post by Luannev89 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:53 pm

thank you aprillee,

I will read up on that, unless I can mention in the warning signs that there are some children that have allergens to certain foods, and to let parents know that there child/dren can not bring these foods into the education and care service :D

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Re: CHCECE002 - Scenario: Neve - Nut & Egg Allergy & Additional Staff Training

Post by Lorina » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:29 am

Q4) how would you ensure Neve does not eat nuts and eggs, and is catered for during meal times?

An alternative meal should be provided to Neve and the centre should be declared a nut free zone as nuts can cause sever allergic reactions. On the days that Neve attend all foods should be monitored and all staff should be made aware of Neve's allergies. To stop any confusion during meal times Neve's meals can be placed in an alternate coloured plate or bowl to ensure the meal she is eating is specifically for her.

Also going through the regulations and found the following which I thought may be useful:

90 Medical conditions policy
The medical conditions policy of the education and care service must set out practices in relation to the following—
the requirements arising if a child enrolled at the education and care service has a specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition, including-
(i) requiring a parent of the child to provide a medical management plan for the child; and
(ii) requiring the medical management plan to be followed in the event of an incident relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition; and
(iii) requiring the development of a risk-minimisation plan in consultation with the parents of a child—
(A) to ensure that the risks relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition are assessed and minimised; and
(B) if relevant, to ensure that practices and procedures in relation to the safe handling, preparation, consumption and service of food are developed and implemented; and
(C) if relevant, to ensure that practices and procedures to ensure that the parents are notified of any known allergens that pose a risk to a child and strategies for minimising the risk are developed and implemented; and
(D) to ensure that practices and procedures ensuring that all staff members and volunteers can identify the child, the child’s medical management plan and the location of the child’s medication are developed and implemented; and
(E) if relevant, to ensure that practices and procedures ensuring that the child does not attend the service without medication prescribed by the child’s medical practitioner in relation to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition are developed and implemented; and
(iv) requiring the development of a communications plan to ensure that—
(A) relevant staff members and volunteers are informed about the medical conditions policy and the medical management plan and risk minimisation plan for the child; and
(B) a child’s parent can communicate any changes to the medical management plan and risk minimisation plan for the child, setting out how that communication can occur.
Ref: ... 011+cd+0+N

Hope this helps,


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