Aussie Childcare Network has a ranking system in our forums based on the number of forum posts. This feature will play a significant part in your Forum experience (and a little bit of fun) by giving you a rank title. This new ranking system is designed to reward members who have made a positive contribution in our forum and it is awarded based on the number of postings made by a member.
Each rank level is rewarded with a special prestige title. This will automatically take into effect once you have reached the post limit for that rank.
The ranks have special images that appear below your registered usernames. You can also see a progress bar to the next rank. So as your number of posts increases, so does your rank. Your rank will be displayed in your posts and on your profile page.
The ranking system has its benefits. Ranks are a distinguished title automatically applied to our members – this displays your significance and your level of participation in our Aussie Childcare Network forum. Since it is awarded based on the number of posts contributed, this will also help others to know and understand how much or how little the user knows. This is a special recognition that Aussie Childcare Network would like to reward our members who volunteer and contribute their time to help out others in our Forum.
Please do not spam just to get a higher rank. Just be your regular self, share your knowledge, help out fellow members and you will see your rank increase.
We hope everyone enjoys our ranking system!
The Rank Levels are:
Rank 1:

Rank 2:

Rank 3:

Rank 4:

Rank 5:

Rank 6:

Rank 7:

Rank 8:

Rank 9:

Rank 10:

Rank 11:

Rank 12:

Rank 13:

Rank 14:

Rank 15:

Kind Regards,
The Administrator.