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Post by Saraah1 » Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:02 pm

Hi all, I have this question I was hoping to get a little help on, has anyone done an assessment on in-service training sessions for parents and staff? I understand most of the question, but stuck on what exactly to cover.

One of the most worrying outcomes of the service’s recent Assessment and Rating visit was the poor standard of hygiene observed by the Assessor. Management urgently need you to provide in-service training sessions for staff and parents on effective hygiene practices within the centre – not one parent has been observed washing their hands when they come into the centre and if they change their baby’s nappy before going home, they walk away leaving the old nappy on the bench and they do not clean the change table or wash their hands. But these parents complain very loudly when the toys look a bit dirty. These are just two of the many topics that you will need to include in the training sessions. Submit an outline of at least 5 topics you will cover in your in-service sessions for staff and parents (at least a paragraph for each topic), include any resources that the service should have on display, and include comprehensive details of all your sources of information. In addition to the outline of topics, create and submit a resource e.g. a colourful fact sheet that will encourage parents to implement good hygiene practices at home

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Post by Lorina » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:56 pm

Topics include:

- Hand washing Procedure
- Nappy Change Procedure
- Infection Control
- Cleaning and Disinfecting
- Hygiene in Childcare

Hope this helps!


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