NQS Related to Play and Development

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NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Disara » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:12 pm


Pl see the answers and check whether correct or not, because I am not sure about this answers,

case study A Question 4 (Play and Development)
Que: List the National Quality Standard and elements that link to this practice.
1.1 An approved learning framework informs the development of a curriculam that enhances each child's learning and development
links to -section 168 offence relating to required programs

Que 5
State the code and the convention that applies in this situation

Psycological state

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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Lorina » Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:58 pm

This may help:

Guide To The NQS


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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Disara » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:59 pm

Thank you for your help .
Still I can't find the correct answer of Questions 5(State the code and the convention that applies in this situation). If you can Please give me to correct answer for this.

Thank you.

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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Lorina » Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:13 pm

I thnk it is referring to the following:

Convention Of Rights Of The Child


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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Disara » Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:49 am

hi Lorina

Thank you for your help.Thank you very much


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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Disara » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:15 am

Please support and give me a answer about this question.

Part -E Support Behaviour

ques 3 :List at least 4 potential impacts on the behaviour of each of these above groups, by not implementing safe, supportive and equitable practices?

Question 5 : Discuss 4 impacts the enviornment and culture has on the behaviour of children.

Answer :
Things- When toys and materials are in good supply. Caregivers who are knowledgeable about the ways in which environments influence behaviour can plan their settings accordingly. With groups of infants and toddlers, providing duplicates of favorite toys is essential.

Space - The way in which space is used can either encourage or discourage desired behaviour. Where space is sufficient, children can play and work in a relaxed setting. It is important that sufficient space is available for the program of activities.

People-(Adults and Children) - An adult's verbal and physical communications skills are critical in modelling the behaviour they wish children to learn. When children are in an envioronment that ecourages caring and cooperative relationships, they learn to relate with each other in positive ways.

Time/Program Schedule - Schedules, routines, and transition serve as a framework from which children gain trust, security, and order. While these can be flexible to some degree, they must provide children with clear guidelines about what is expected.
Meeting children's needs throughout the day requires that time be appropriately balanced between active and restful periods, individual and group activities, and child initiated/ adult initiated content.

Thank you and great help

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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Disara » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:32 am

Please see this answers are correct or not.

Part E-Support Behaviour

Question 9 : Describe how culture and the envioronment can impact on the behaviour of children.

Expectations for behaviour vary greatly from family to family, and from cuture to culture. Some may place a higher value on comliance, dependence, and respect for elders, while others may give priority to risk-taking, assertiveness, and independence. Knowledge about a child's background and respect for different value systems will help caregivers respond sensitively to varying child-rearing approaches.
In summary, adults who appreciate these principles of child development will devlop attitudes and practices which are based on realistic expectations of children's needs and abilities.
The environment refers to all that surrounds a child. This includes both physical and social elements.

1 Things-When toys and materials are in good supply, familiar and developmentally appropriate, children are encouraged to focus and become involved in productive learning experiences.

2 Space- The way in which space is used can either encourage or discourage desired behaviour. Where space is sufficient, children can play and work in a relaxed setting. It is important that suficient space is available for the program of activities.

3 People-(Adult and Children)-Adults who are committed to nurturing and guiding young children create an atmosphere which fosters trust, security, and comfort. An adult;s verbal and physical communications skills are critical in mdelling the behaviour they wish children to learn. When children are in an enviornment that encourages caring and cooperative relationships, they learn to relate with each other in positive ways.

4 Time/Program Schedule
Schedules, routines, and transitions serve as a framework from which children gain trust, security, and order. While these can be flexible to some degree, they must provide children with clear guidelines about what is expected.
Meeting children's needs throughout the day requires that time be appropriate balanced between active and restful periods, individuals and group activities, and child initiated/ adult initiated content.

Question 12:
What are the main differences between disruptive behaviours and Behaviours of concern?

Thank you

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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Lorina » Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:49 pm

Yes, you're on the right track with your response! :thumbup:


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Re: NQS Related to Play and Development

Post by Lorina » Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:49 pm

Disruptive behaviour is defined as behaviours that hamper the ability of instructors to teach and students to learn. Common examples of disruptive behaviours include, but are not limited to: Eating in class. Ringing cell phone. Monopolizing classroom discussions.


A behaviour of concern refers to any behaviour that causes physical harm to the person with a disability or another person, or destroying property resulting in the risk of harm to the person or any other person.

Hope this helps!


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