Can Someone Guide Me Please - EYLF Learning Stories

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Can Someone Guide Me Please - EYLF Learning Stories

Post by Jeffnae » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:25 pm

Hi all.

Just wondering if i have can have light at the end of the tunnel. (or so to speak)

I have just moved towns and taken over a Team Leader. I am only half way through my Diploma.
I feel like at the moment i am picking up all the pieces where the last team leader left.
Not alot was done regarding programming obs etc.

So that where i come to ask, If i am doing it right or wrong. Yes in this case there is a wrong, even though they say with EYLF there is no wrong :giggle:

I Have just sorted my children to groups. B y the way My room is 2 to 5 year olds.
I have nearly 20 in each group, Consisting of 4 groups.
So one week I pick a colour and Observe the children, Try to get other staff to also do obs But yes is very very hard.
The next week i program for their learning and start with the next colour for observing.

Is this correct so far?

I have gone from a fortnightly program, to weekly to daily,.

Can i put up a program say for the week or daily which i choose. Blank and only have the programmed activities on, then as children chooses their own toys/crafts etc Add it to the program under the area. etc. So that it is Child iniated activites.

another question that i have is when completing obs then the follow up does the follow up have to another type of ob?
If that makes sense?

Also learning stories what do i need to include on them. The photos, explanation and i add the outcome etc
Do i need to add a where to next section and what else.

Im getting confused and not getting much help at the centre from staff.

If any one can help me It will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Renae

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Re: Can Someone Guide Me Please - EYLF Learning Stories

Post by Jeffnae » Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:45 pm

Anybody please
another question is what to include on the learning stories...

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Re: Can Someone Guide Me Please - EYLF Learning Stories

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:54 pm

Hi Renae,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner to your post... these past few days have been really hectic! I really do apologize.

There are many times when you start a job and have to pick up where others left off... it can be frustrating especially if there is alot of work too catch up on! Don't worry... we are here to help...

Regarding the observations, it sounds like you are on the right track. That's what I am doing, I have divided my group of children into colour groups and try and do all the observations by the end of the month. Like you said, it is very very hard but we manage.

Can i put up a program say for the week or daily which i choose. Blank and only have the programmed activities on, then as children chooses their own toys/crafts etc Add it to the program under the area. etc. So that it is Child iniated activites.

Yes, so far so good... you've got it! Onto the program add the experiences that you have planned from the previous day and then add anything else that you mentioned it could be activities children asked for or toys they selected to play with, any spontaneous experiences. Just keep adding it all to the program.

another question that i have is when completing obs then the follow up does the follow up have to another type of ob? If that makes sense?

I think I understand what you mean... so let's just say you are doing a photo observation of a child and you put a follow up experience, I actually write the evaluation for the follow up in the daily reflection, rather then on the observation itself. For the observation I add my observation, evaluation of learning, link it to the EYLF using the Learning Outcomes and then add a follow up experience however I evaluate the follow up in the daily dairy... does this make sense?

Also learning stories what do i need to include on them. The photos, explanation and i add the outcome etc
Do i need to add a where to next section and what else.

It's also a good idea to add what the children have said, what happened during the experience etc... just some brief paragraph describing the details of the experience. Always add a couple of EYLF Learning Outcomes, Principle and Practice. I also add a follow up experience to the learning story.

I'm not sure if you had a browse through our topics but there have been many discussions between our members about the EYLF. I am going to provide you with the links below. I suggest you have a read through them because most of it covers the questions you have asked. Hopefully you should get more of an idea on how to implement the EYLF at your centre. Here are the links:

1) Group Learning Stories

2) Implementing the EYLF


If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask and once again I do apologize for my late response,

Cheers :geek:,

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