Relationships between Educators

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Relationships between Educators

Post by Setu » Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:27 pm


I am currently working in a position where I am the lead educator, but I am having some issues regarding replies to other educators in terms of standing up for my room! I feel I am going to say something which may make situations worse.

So last week where in babies room were 4:1 with one educator whereas in my room we were 15:3 educators, two rooms are next to one another. It was I found rude when in the babies room one of the baby was awake and crying and he was changing other babies nappy the educator was asking ‘Can someone from your room, come up here to take care of the crying baby?’. We sent one of the educators to handle the situation but my room’s children were still unsettled after lunch! One of the child cries and the educators always becomes worked up. I am confused are babies sleep more important than toddlers? Or they are equal? :|

Also that particular educator tries to show everyone how efficient worker should be but I know what is her attitude towards the work.

Could someone please help me on how to politely handle these situations I am personally not a rude person but I am looking for help?

Thank you so much :angel:

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Re: Relationships between Educators

Post by Lorina » Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:52 pm

Ok I understand that you need your Educators in your room but can you imagine being alone with 4 babies! It is a tough situation to handle! Especially when one baby cries while the Educator needs to change a baby's nappy how are they supposed to manage? You can't think like "oh they only got 4 to manage and we have 15 so we need more Educators".

Being alone in the baby room is quite overwhelming even if it's only 4!

You need to work along with the Educators in your room as well as the Educator in the baby room since they are handling by themselves they will need your support from time to time especially during the crying...

Toddlers are just as a priority don't get me wrong... when beds are made, put a book on each bed that the children can quietly look through while they are waiting to get settled.. you can also play an audio story as they get settled to sleep... another idea is a clipboard with a pencil attached for the little ones to draw while they are waiting...

You just need to work around your routine when the other Educator needs help. I completely understand what you're saying and that you need to move on with your room routine as well but you have to work together...


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