New to childcare - advice please

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New to childcare - advice please

Post by L1VI33 » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:17 pm


So i am new to childcare and just started a traineeship 1 week ago. My daughter is enrolled at the same centre i work in. Today as i was in the Kindy room i could see my daughter in the next room playing. My daughter approaches another girl who is holding two wooden blocks in her hands. The girl holding the blocks smacks my daughter repeatedly in the face. I stood there shocked and watched to see what the other educators would do in that situation. Both educators witnessed that happening but did nothing. They didn't correct that girls behaviour or even take the blocks off her. My daughter was left crying so i walked in and asked the room leader if she is going to do anything about what just happened and she said if she approaches that child she is afraid she is going to get attacked...

I was furious and just picked my child up to comfort her. I went to see the director afterwards to tell her what happened.

That afternoon i asked the room leader if there is an incident report.. she said she will write it tomorrow. Shouldn't the incident report be written the same day? Also should the educators notify that girls parents to tell them she harmed another child?

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Re: New to childcare - advice please

Post by Lorina » Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:52 pm

Educators should have responded to the incident straight away! They should have comforted your daughter, taken the blocks off the other child and removed her away. If the Educator clearly said she was scared of being attacked what about the children in the room? The child should be put on a behaviour management plan...

Yes, an incident report should be written almost straight away. Two incident reports should be written, one for the hurt child and one for the child who hurt the other child. They should be given to the families and signed.

I'm sorry your daughter was hurt and nothing was done about it. I hope the Educators in the room do more to guide children's behaviour.

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