Work while studying Diploma, no previous certifications

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Work while studying Diploma, no previous certifications

Post by imostrom » Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:40 pm


I recently started studying my Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care online, and I am hoping to be able to work while I study. What are my hopes of being employed with no previous certifications, can I be employeed before completing it? I am new to this system, being from Sweden, and am finding it all very confusing and difficult.

I am also wondering what wage I would be looking at before being qualified? I have a son that I would need to enrol in daycare, so am hoping that I won't end up losing money paying the ~100 dollars a day for his daycare. ( We are not eligible for any rebates).

Thanks.. :)

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Re: Work while studying Diploma, no previous certifications

Post by Lorina » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:27 pm

Hi Imostrom,

You are able to work while you are still studying as you will be actively working towards your qualification. According to ACECQA:

A person who meets requirements 1 to 4 below may be counted as a certificate III qualified educator. They must also give the approved provider documentary evidence from their course provider that they meet requirements 2 to 4.

A person who meets all five requirements below may be counted as a diploma qualified educator. They must give the approved provider documentary evidence from their course provider that they meet requirements 2 to 5.

The requirements for actively working towards an approved qualification are:
being enrolled in a course for the qualification
having commenced the course
making satisfactory progress towards completion
meeting the requirements to maintain enrolment
holding an approved certificate III qualification OR having completed the approved certificate III units OR having completed 30% of the units in an approved ECT qualification.

- Ref: Working Towards A Qualification

So, this means you will at least be considered as a cert 3 qualified educator if you meet the above requirements, until you complete your Diploma qualification.

As for your wages if you work as a cert 3 qualified educator as you meet the requirements the minimum hourly full time wage is $20.13 and as a Diploma qualified educator the minimum hourly full time wage is $23.71.

For enrolling your child at the centre your working, some centres have options such as paying a percentage less for fees and other options as paying from your wages etc. However, this really depends on the centre and what you work out with them. It's also good to let them know during the interview that you would like to enrol your son in the centre as well...

Let me know if you have any further questions,


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