Can A Student Get A Casual Job?

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Can A Student Get A Casual Job?

Post by nana7 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:03 pm

Hi, there :)

I'm studying Cer3 and wondering if I can find a casual job in the centre even if I haven't completed my study and I don't have much knowledge and experiences...
I've started my work placement in the centre a few month ago, but I even haven't had any experiences of nappy changing.
Since I didn't have any practices of nappy changing in the school (just look through a textbook), I asked my centre that I would like to learn and need supervise, but they said I didn't have to do if I didn't have any experiences. so I am confused where I can get my first opportunity for nappy changing...

I'm keen to learn and work in the child care centre, but I'm wondering if there is any possibility for me to get a job...

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Re: Student can get a casual job?

Post by Wunniebee » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:17 pm

Depends on the centre. You would be more under a traineeship like contract, its like being a student but you get paid, and you have to be supervised. I would ask for the room leader to show you step by step nappy change and you watch and hopefully theyll give you a chance after a couple because its not a hard thing to learn. I think they wont let you because you are a student and not an employee.

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Re: Can A Student Get A Casual Job?

Post by Lorina » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:20 pm

As a student you can get a job and be considered as a cert 3 if you meet the following requirements:
A person who meets requirements 1 to 4 below may be counted as a certificate III qualified educator

The requirements for actively working towards an approved qualification are:
being enrolled in a course for the qualification
having commenced the course
making satisfactory progress towards completion
meeting the requirements to maintain enrolment

Actively Working Towards

With the nappy changing, it could be the centres policy... At a centre I used to work at we didn't have casuals or students change nappies as they weren't known to the children... But each centre is different. When I used to work as a casual I use to change nappies...

Since you're eager to learn maybe you can ask the room leader and get them to stand beside you as you do it... Once you start changing nappies, it seems like it never ends! :giggle: It's good practice though for when you have your own child!


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