I have recently started studying my cert III and I am currently stuck on my second assignment. I will write exactly what it says. Any hekp will be greatly appreciated.
This task requires you to begin to collect and collate ideas for appropriate experiences that will support the development of children aged birth to 12 years.
Head Sections for each area of development as follows;
*Physical Development
*Social Development
*Emotional Development
*Language Development
*Cognitive Development
*Creative Development
Present one experience for each of the following age groupsl;
*Babies - 6wks-12mths
*Toddlers - 12-36mths
*Preschoolers - 3-6yrs
*Primary school aged children - 6-12yrs
Present one experience for each age group covering each developmental area (24 experiences in total)
For each experience outline;
*Area of development
*Name of experience
*Description of experience
*Age Range
*How the experience supports the child
*The adult's role
*Special Considerations
So could someone please explain this to me. I have an example here of what is expected but I don't really understand what they mean by "special considerations". Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks