Legislations and Regulations Impacting WHS/OHS

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Legislations and Regulations Impacting WHS/OHS

Post by Shelby11 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:03 pm

Hi everyone

This my first post so Im not sure if I am posting this in the right area?

I am having difficulty answering the below question - In particular how to answer part d) - Industry standards - Are they referring to The National Standards or Industry Standards in general & where do I find information on Industry standards for the childcare industry, examples of them & how they releate to WHS/OHS in the workplace please?

Thanks in advance :)

In the following table, name the relevant legislations, regulations, codes and standards and how they impact on WHS/OHS in the workplace:
a) The act
b) workplace regulations,
c) codes of practice
d) industry standards
e) State/territory WHS authorities
f) Rights and responsibilities of employers and workers
g) duty of care
h) Hazardous manual tasks
i) Infection control
j) Policies and procedures in Early Childhood Education and Care

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Re: Legislations and Regulations Impacting WHS/OHS

Post by Lorina » Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:41 pm

Could industry standards be referring to the National Quality Standards...

Guide To The NQS


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