LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

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jagroop kaur
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LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by jagroop kaur » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:39 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Early childhood education and care off the job assessment 1 LA016763
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
How will you develop a nurturing relationship with Katherine?describe how you will ensure consistency of care routines and provide a rich environment for Katherine that wil support her skill development? Use the information in the case study in your answer. You should identify at least five strategies.
Your answer need to include your actions/strategies and examples of your communication with Amanda and Katherine .

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Nurturing relationship -the quality of the interaction between infant and educator plays a vital part in creating a secure attachment. As a caregiver for maintaining nurturing relationship with Katherine they have to response positively to her needs create feeling of trust and security . They have to responding physical needs and provide for her emotional needs and anticipate with her needs before she become distress . In a centre we have to make small group of infant to focus on building strong and respective attachment.

Description and Message:
Please help me to complete this question thanks,
Last edited by Lorina on Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by Lorina » Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:28 am

I've answered this question before... See if this helps:

early education and care assment 1


jagroop kaur
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Re: LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by jagroop kaur » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:32 pm

Thank you so much.)

jagroop kaur
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Re: LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by jagroop kaur » Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:22 pm

I saw that answer. that is different answer it's part a and b answer but mine one is part C I have already complete that one ,if u could help me with this part could be great thank you ,,

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Re: LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by Lorina » Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:39 am

In the scenario it says the following about Katherine:
Comforters: dummy and physical contact.

Sleep routine: Katherine is breastfed just before sleep time. Katherine usually sleeps in the morning at around 9.15 am for 30 minutes and in the afternoon at around 1pm for 60 to 90 minutes. When tired Katherine becomes a little whiny, has difficulty coordinating movements and will rub her eyes. Her sleep ritual involves being told “Very tired, time for bed” being placed in her baby sleeping bag whilst being sung a lullaby ‘ten teddy bears sitting on the wall’ and then gently rocked for a minute or two. Katherine is then placed in her cot “Very tired, time for bed” and the adult then leaves the bedroom. Katherine responds to these words, the song, the ritual of being put into her sleeping bag and gentle rocking as significant bedtime cues that assist her in settling to sleep quickly. Her sleeping environment is usually kept quiet and the any curtains or blinds are closed slightly to darken the room a little.

Meals: Katherine is beginning to self-feed using her hands and bite sized pieces of soft-cooked food although she is used to having an adult available to support her. She likes to have an extra spoon at meal times and will attempt to use it. Favourite foods seem to be banana, zucchini, yoghurt and cooked pasta. Katherine is beginning to drink boiled water from a lidded, two-handled cup. Expressed breast milk will be provided in two (2) bottles that will need to be given to Katherine before each sleep time

Toys and games enjoyed: Katherine enjoys playing with objects that can be put inside each other, e.g. stacking cups, posting boxes, pots and pans. She also enjoys books and stories and has a collection of cardboard books that she likes to chew and manipulate. Another favourite game is Round and Round the Garden and other tickle rhymes

In your question it says "use the information in the case study". So, from reading the information above on Katherine within the case study an example of strategies can include:

- Set up kitchen play on a small table and mat that Katherine can explore.
- During group time sing actions songs like round round, teddy bear teddy bear, this little piggy etc.
- Provide a variety of objects that fit into each other that Katherine can manipulate.

Hope this gives you an idea,


jagroop kaur
Posts: 5
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Re: LA016763 - Nurturing Relationships With Katherine

Post by jagroop kaur » Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:38 pm

Thanks so much, this help me a lot.

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