Does this seem right

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Does this seem right

Post by strawberryapples » Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:22 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm on my second unit of my certificate 3. Which is CHCORG303A CONTRIBUTE TO THE EFFECTIVE OPERATION OF THE WORKGROUP. Im not sure if i should be doing this unit considering it is the 2nd one. I have been doing some research on the unit as im stuck on a the first few questions and people have been saying they have been doing this unit while they are in workplace. I'm not in workplacement as of yet because the place im doing it through said i must complete 4 units first then they will place me in work placement. I also asked someone i know who just completed it which they told me aswell they didnt do the unit until in work placement. But then other people are telling me that yes you must complete it before work placement.

Im a little lost if i should be asking where i am studying if i should be doing this unit yet. Im doing online studies aswell so im not in a class room base learning. So am not sure if other students have done it before workplacement thanks

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Re: Does this seem right

Post by Lorina » Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:32 pm

Hi Strawberryapples,

I'm just trying to help you figure out whether or not you should be doing this unit now or at work placement. I found this unit online but I just want to confirm if the questions are the same. Are these the same questions you need to answer for this task?

Part A
1. Collect a copy of your job description. What is the name of your role?
2. Read through your job description. Does it match with what you do in the service?
If not, what are the differences?
3. Are there any areas of your job description that you need to ask questions about to
ensure you are assisted and directed to complete your role appropriately?
Part B
Identify a task that you complete daily.
1. What is the task?
2. What policy and/or procedures does this task relate to?
3. Do you work with others to complete this task? If yes, explain what roles you each
4. How do you know if this task is being completed to service standards?
5. Do you need to be positive and courteous when completing this task? Explain why.
6. Describe the resources you need to complete this task.
7. What would you do if some of the resources for this task were missing?
8. How do you keep the work area for this task organised and safe?

By the sounds of it, if these are the questions that you need to answer for this unit then you should probably be doing this task at your work placement.

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Does this seem right

Post by strawberryapples » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:42 pm

Hi there,

They are not really like the questions posted. I will post some examples

Obtain a copy of any one of the following documents:
◦Your Child-care Or your current workplace mission statement
◦Your Child-care Or your current workplace corporate policy and procedures
◦Your Child-care Or your current workplace corporate future direction documents

Answer the following question using the document chosen:
◦What is the purpose of the document?
◦What are the key ideas outlined in the document?
◦How will it affect your activities as a worker?

Q2: What other policies can you find in the your worksite that are unique to your area?

Q3:Obtain a current procedure from your workplace and identify examples of the 7 criteria shown below. Describe examples for each heading.

1.What to do?
2.When to do it?
3.How to do it?
4.Why are we doing it?
5.What are the variables to the task and when we should modify it?
6.What is the best or acceptable standard we are expected to perform that task?
7.What are the limitations in our role?

Obtain a copy of your current job description and write a detailed analysis on the resources required to do your job. Divide it into 2 distinct areas:
1.Human resources.
2.Material resources (may include financial resources).

Identify all the tasks you do. You may find your job description is written in a general way so you may need to use sub-headings.

Q4:List the 3 most critical resource shortages you and your worksite have experienced.

Q5:Identify and list the various problem-solving methods used in your current worksite.
Q6:List and identify the many roles you can have in your worksite relevant to the position you have. Identify both formal and informal roles.

Q7:What activities and tasks should you be doing more of in your current job?
Q8:What activities and tasks should you be doing less of in your current job?
Q9:What activities and tasks should you stop doing because they are not part of your current job?
Q10:Identify the meetings you have currently at work. Write down the purpose of these meetings and if they are formal and informal meetings?

Q11:What requirements are you aware of for OHS legislation at your worksite?

Q12:Set yourself a goal for improving the quality of your relationships with 3 people in your current workplace. One should be your manager, one a member of your staff and one a co-worker.
1.Establish some short term and long term objectives for building these relationships.
2.Discuss the behaviours you will have to engage in to meet your goal with each of these people.
3.How will you know when you have reached your goal?
4.What personal strengths will you need to use to accomplish your goal?
5.What are the barriers to you reaching your goal?

Q13:To a large degree, you are responsible for your own professional development. Explain what professional development means.

How will you go about improving and increasing your skills levels in your current worksite in order to:
◦do your job better
◦improve your interaction with workmates
◦take on more responsibility
◦increase the skills and competencies you will need for future job roles

I havent worked before so find all these questions a little overwelming. I have asked my trainer for help on this and she told me to search the internet for childcare procedures etc which is hard because i have noticed alot of child care centres dont post them on there website. thanks

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Re: Does this seem right

Post by Lorina » Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:23 pm


Thanks for clarifying the questions... The questions I had posted is completely different from what your tasks are...LOL... You could do this assignment without having to be working at a centre...You just need to be able to know what information to look for and where to find it... I can help with that.

So, for the first part of this task you need to find a policy and procedure manual... To do this I suggest just google "policy and procedure manual Childcare au". You will definitely be able to find one from a centre... Once you got this you can probably do the rest of the task...

For q3 you just need to use one of the policies in the manual to answer this question and also for q4 all you have to do is google a job description for Childcare workers... From here you can pretty much figure out the rest of the answers from using this. Regarding the question about the different tasks I'm providing a link to a topic on this forum which outlines some tasks we have to should also be able to find some tasks in the job description.

Link: ... e-t227.htm

For the question about OH&S... You can find this regulation in google itself....For the last part of he question about quality relationships you can research some tips and strategies about how to build relationships with staff... I've written an article on this site in Resources, Childcare Professionals about building relationships... This would help you get some ideas on answering this.

Building Positive Relationships in Childcare

If you are having trouble finding anything.. Just try and narrow your search down or ask

Hope this helps you understand what you have to look for...

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Does this seem right

Post by strawberryapples » Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:33 pm

Thank you for the reply. I have gotten half way through it with your help! But im still stuck on a few questions still.
Q1: Obtain a copy of your job description and write a detailed analysis on the resources required to do your job. Divide it into 2 distinct areas:
1.Human resources.
2.Material resources (may include financial resources).

Identify all the tasks you do. You may find your job description is written in a general way so you may need to use sub-headings.
I have gotten my self a copy of the job description which im not to sure which parts i should be looking at in it.
Q2: Now you have identified and have a detailed analysis of the resources you require to do your job, analyse what you have written. List the 3 most critical resource shortages you and your worksite have experienced.
Q#3: How do you know when your work is completed according to the requirements of job quality and customer service? List 3 types of evidence you have to support this.
I have researched this but everything seems to come up differently.
Q4:List 5 possible aspects or activities of your work where you must monitor quality in the course of the day/ week (report writing about clients).
Q5:List 3 additional responsibilities or duties the supervisor could give you as part of a higher duties job role.
Q6:What activities and tasks should you be doing more of in your job?
What activities and tasks should you be doing less of in your job?
What activities and tasks should you stop doing because they are not part of your job?
Set yourself a goal for improving the quality of your relationships with 3 people in your workplace. One should be your manager, one a member of your staff and one a co-worker.
1.Establish some short term and long term objectives for building these relationships.
2.Discuss the behaviours you will have to engage in to meet your goal with each of these people.
3.How will you know when you have reached your goal?
4.What personal strengths will you need to use to accomplish your goal?
5.What are the barriers to you reaching your goal?
To a large degree, you are responsible for your own professional development. Explain what professional development means.

How will you go about improving and increasing your skills levels in order to:
◦do your job better
◦improve your interaction with workmates
◦take on more responsibility
◦increase the skills and competencies you will need for future job roles

I have got through 70% of the course but these questions seem to stump me. I have read through the information booklets i was given about 5 times already. ( Over 100 pages) and just cant see how the booklets help with these questions.

Can someone please shed some light on these so i am able to have this finished by tomorrow. thanks

renuka parameswari
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Re: Does this seem right

Post by renuka parameswari » Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:23 am

Hi all,I am unable to get know answer for the following question.Please help me to find the answer.
Set yourself a goal for improving the quality of your relationships with 3 people in your workplace. One should be your manager, one a member of your staff and one a co-worker.
1.Establish some short term and long term objectives for building these relationships.
2.Discuss the behaviours you will have to engage in to meet your goal with each of these people.
3.How will you know when you have reached your goal?
4.What personal strengths will you need to use to accomplish your goal?
5.What are the barriers to you reaching your goal?

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Re: Does this seem right

Post by Lorina » Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:57 am

renuka parameswari wrote:Hi all,I am unable to get know answer for the following question.Please help me to find the answer.
Set yourself a goal for improving the quality of your relationships with 3 people in your workplace. One should be your manager, one a member of your staff and one a co-worker.
1.Establish some short term and long term objectives for building these relationships.
2.Discuss the behaviours you will have to engage in to meet your goal with each of these people.
3.How will you know when you have reached your goal?
4.What personal strengths will you need to use to accomplish your goal?
5.What are the barriers to you reaching your goal?
Please start a new topic.


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