Comply with family day care administration requirements

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Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:20 am

Hi I am doing an elective -Family Care administration requirements.
I need some help with it. I need to check if I am answering the question they ask me or I am out of focus.

Thanks, :)

1. Develop a handout that provides information about your services to parents, including:
a. the child care services you provide – including cost and availability
b. the routine/plan for a typical day
c. your expectations of the families and children you work with
d. an overview of your standard work practices.

The handout is not to exceed one, double-sided A4 page.
Answer: Please click the link

Part B
Answer the following questions. Maximum 100 word response for each question.
1. List three situations that may require families to make alternative care arrangements for their children.
• When parents need to extent, change the days or finish using the services because the parents change their work hours, loss of employment, got a new job, change study schedule or the family may move to other town.
• When the child start kindergarten and the family just need casual care.
• When a child or family member is unwell, a new sibling is born or unexpected situation or eventuality happen to the family.
2. What information would you give families before any of these situations occurred?
First and from the beginning I must clarify policies and practices with the coordination unit about care plans, so families get accurate information.
From the beginning the family need to have all information about changing of circumstances when using the family care. Times, rates and what is the best way to contact the educator. It is important to review the care plan to find requirements and solutions that suits the family care and the family to reach the best outcome for both parties.
It is also important to keep updating the care requirements as situations for the family may change.
All this actions will develop good relationship between the Family Care-educator and the families; generating the best results for everybody in case a situation change for the family or the educator.
3. Briefly explain what format you would use to provide this information to families.
A handbook or booklet with all information about the Family Day Care is a good way to provide all administrative procedures (costs and fees, the availability), information about the services we provide, programs, standard work practices, philosophy, vision and mission, how we will communicate with parents, among others.
In ongoing situations we must ask families to update their family information during drop-off and pick-up times or having formal meetings to review all aspects of the care arrangements. It is good as well to work with forms that allow parents and educator keeps the communications to manage situation in an easy way E.g. If a parent needs to expand the hours certain day he/she can fill a form to let the educator knows to then arrange the possible change, this allow the educator to look and decide if the new request is possible.

Part C
Answer the following questions. Maximum 100 word response for each question.
1. List the administration requirements that you need to meet within your work environment.
• Follow The National Regulations -Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (Cth), which stipulate the numbers and ages of children.
• Follow the priority of access according to the DoE. “First Priority: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect. Second Priority: a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work/training/study test under Section 14 of the ‘A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999’ and Third Priority: any other child”.
• Responsible practices -policies and procedures in place to assure confidentially and privacy (Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)), with regard to collecting, recording, sharing, storing and disposing of information.
• Clear organisation’s policies and procedures and always follow them.
• Keeping information accurate and up to date
• Information about each child and relevant needs to ensure the child receives quality care.
• Child Care Service Handbook
• Be at least 18 years old (regulation 119)
• Have and maintain a current Positive Notice Blue Card (working with children check) (regulation 153)
• Have and maintain evidence of current public liability insurance of the residence (regulation 180)
• Have and maintain current approved first aid, anaphylaxis and emergency asthma management qualification/s (regulation 136(3))
• Have, or be actively working towards, an approved Certificate III level qualification, or higher (regulation 127).
2. What documentation should you consider when completing administration tasks within your service? Please include all legal and service requirements in your answer.
• The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
• The National Privacy Principles: collection of information, use and disclosure of information, data quality, data security, openness, access to and correction of information, identifiers, anonymity, transborder data flows and sensitive information.
• The National Quality Framework (NQF).
• Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (Cth)
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (Cth).
• The National Law and National Regulations set out all required aspects of service operation and care for children.
• The National Quality Standard (NQS): Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (for children 0-5); and My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (for school age children).
• Child Care Service Handbook
• Family day care services are also required to have policies and procedures under Regulation 168 and 169
• be at least 18 years old (regulation 119)
• Hold a current Blue Card (working with children check) (regulation 153 (l))
• Public liability insurance at your residence (regulation 180)
• First Aid, anaphylaxis and emergency asthma management qualification/s (regulation 136(3))
• have, or be actively working towards, an approved Certificate III level qualification, or higher (regulation 127).
• Conduct an assessment of your home before and reassess it at least every year (regulation 116).
• Ensure that the parts of your home to be used to provide education and care are safe, clean and in good repair (regulation 103).
• Provider must ensure there is enough furniture, materials and developmentally-appropriate equipment for the children in your care (regulation 105).
• Your home must be a safe and secure environment for the children in your care (regulation 110)
• AS 1288-2006 Glass in buildings (regulation 117)
• Outdoor space used by children is enclosed by a fence or barrier (regulation 104)
• A First Aid kit (regulation 89)
• Precaution must be taken to protect children from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury (section 167)
• Access to an operating telephone or communication for emergency services (regulation 98).
• Ensure any person aged 18 years or over who lives at your home is a fit and proper person to be in the company of children. Regulation 163
• Notify the approved provider about any new adult coming to live in your home (regulation 164).
• The educational program you provide (regulation 75)
• Emergency and evacuation procedures (regulation 97)
• Weekly menu (if you are supplying food) (regulation 80)
• Operation of the service (regulation 173).
3. List the information that you must consider when determining your charging practices.
• Child Care Benefit Scheme (CCB).
• Child Care Rebate Scheme (CCR)
• grandparents receiving the Grandparent Child Care Benefit (GCCB)
• parents receiving JETCCFA
• families in the AMEP
• hours of care and any authorisations needed
• charging for a child who is attending school
• charging for a child attending a kindergarten/preschool
• more than one child from the same family using your family day care service
• a child using both your service and another approved early childhood education and care service
• another child from the family using another approved early childhood education and care service
• the process for approval when a child has 24 hours of continuous care
• charging when a child is on holidays, sick or just does not attend the service
• charging when an educator is not able to care for the child/ren
• Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) for a child at risk or experiencing exceptional circumstances
4. List any restrictions to charging practices that you must consider.

5. List the processes you should have in place to meet your taxation obligations over a year.
6. What insurance policies do you consider to be a vital part of maintaining a family day care business, and why?
• Public liability insurance because covers situations held liable for third-party property damage, injury to children in care or injury to any member of the general public that occurs relating to their family day care business activities.
• Home and contents insurance that cover my business, because normally insurance companies don’t cover my home that is used for a business under a standard home and contents policy
• Car insurance because I will use my own vehicle for my business. In that case the insurance will covers transporting children during care hours.
• Personal accident insurance for children because children can get injured in care with serious consequences. If I have that insurance, all medical expenses incurred during their child’s recovery is covered by the insurance.
• Personal income protection cover because self-employed are not eligible for sick leave benefits. In case I get sick or cannot work for any valid reason I will be cover.
• Work Cover because even though in QLD is not obligatory, it is an advantage to have it.

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:22 am

These 2 questions I have not found....any ideas- PLEASE
4. List any restrictions to charging practices that you must consider.

5. List the processes you should have in place to meet your taxation obligations over a year.

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:59 am

I got this for question #5
5. List the processes you should have in place to meet your taxation obligations over a year.
Tax file number (TFN)
• Australian business number (ABN)
• The Simplified Tax System (STS)
• Pay as you go (PAYG) income tax instalments (towards your income tax)
• Goods and services tax (GST)

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by Lorina » Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:02 pm

All the information you have provided in your hand out is good! Very informative. You do have a few typos so you just need to get those fixed. Also, you mentioned that there may be an assistant. When working in FDC you re the sole educator for the children. The section about children's activities maybe you can put in some information in regards to the EYLF. Parents may want to know that you are following a national framework for their child's learning and development.

With the routine 8:30 - 10am craft and music time I think that's too long, you may want to cut that down and add something else such as "sensory experience - water play" etc.. Also rather than have a daily activity (one per day), you can offer a range of activities based on the children's interests etc. 11-12 you mentioned outdoor play you may need to check if that's the right time, if its too hot it may not be a good idea so instead you could do it in the morning, when children arrive/free play.

The rest of your responses to the questions are good!:thumbup:

List any restrictions to charging practices that you must consider.

One I can think of is that Parents need to pay a minimum amount of hours for care. For example: a child (casual) needs to be there for a minimum of 2 hours.
Overnight care will cost more and dinner and breakfast provided by you will also be included in the price and child has to be picked up by a certain time.

Hope this helps,


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linsaa fdc
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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by linsaa fdc » Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:35 pm

Hi there adriperdomo,
We are actually allowed to have an Educator assistant, this has been allowed for a while now because most of us working 12 hours a day we never get to do certain things. They must have first aid, blue card, child safety cert and all the parents have to fill in paperwork to allow the use of an assistant. If all that is good then there are guidelines for the use of an assistant. Can be no more than I think 4 hours, can't be used for ordinary appointments like hair etc but can be used for Doctors appointments.
adriperdomo wrote:QR_BBPOST 4. List any restrictions to charging practices that you must consider.
In regards to the above there is something which I just found out last week and that even my old scheme didn't know.
When charging a school age child, if they are absent on a morning and their booking is from 5am-8:30am which is in my case. Centrelink will NOT pay for any more than what they recognize as a session which is from 6:30am-8:30am. Another restriction is the allowable absences. They only get 42 including public holidays and sick days, once they go over and they don't have a Doctors cert they will pay full fees with no CCR+CCB.
+ Except for minimum hours FDC do not charge for opening hours.
Linsaa fdc :wave:

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:33 pm

Hi Lorina and Linsaa

Thank you so much for the information and feedback. I must say I couldn't fix them without your response.
Very helpful
Thank you so much :thumbup: :wave:

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:26 pm

linsaa fdc wrote:QR_BBPOST We are actually allowed to have an Educator assistant, this has been allowed for a while now because most of us working 12 hours a day we never get to do certain things.
Thanks Linsaa! No where I have read that FDC are allowed to have assistants! Good to know!!


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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by linsaa fdc » Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:15 am

You also need a blue card for any regular visitor to your home and the scheme needs record of that.
With work cover I don't think work cover covers the person with the ABN, just check before you add it into your assignment. I think it is only for staff.

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:03 pm

Thanks, Linsaa :thumbup:

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linsaa fdc
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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by linsaa fdc » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:02 am

Here is the regulation regarding Educator assistants.

Family day care educator assistant
144 Family day care educator assistant

(1) An approved provider of a family day care service may approve a person to assist a family day care educator in providing education and care to children as part of a family day care service in the circumstances set out in subregulation (2).

(2) An approved family day care educator assistant may assist the family day care educator by-

(a) in the absence of the family day care educator, transporting a child between the family day care residence or approved family day care venue and-

(i) a school; or

(ii) another education and care service or children’s service; or

(iii) the child’s home; and

(b) providing education and care to a child, in the absence of the family day care educator, in emergency situations, including when the educator requires urgent medical care or treatment; and

(c) providing education and care to a child, in the absence of the family day care educator to attend an appointment (other than a regular appointment), if-

(i) the absence is for less than 4 hours; and

(ii) the approved provider of the family day care service has approved that absence; and

(iii) notice of that absence has been given to the parents of the child; and
(d) providing assistance to the educator while the educator is educating and caring for children as part of a family day care service.

(3) An approved provider must not approve a person under subregulation (1) unless the family day care educator provides the written consent of a parent of each child being educated and cared for by the educator to the use of the assistant in the circumstances set out in subregulation (2).

Linsaa fdc :wave:

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by adriperdomo » Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:33 pm

Thank you so much linsaa. Great help :thumbup:

The azz man
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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by The azz man » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:10 pm

outline the family day care policy and procedure fir accurate record keeping using timesheets and receipts. How does this process meet the audit and taxation

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Re: Comply with family day care administration requirements

Post by Lorina » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:57 pm

linsaa fdc wrote:Hi,
Here is the regulation regarding Educator assistants.

Family day care educator assistant
144 Family day care educator assistant

(1) An approved provider of a family day care service may approve a person to assist a family day care educator in providing education and care to children as part of a family day care service in the circumstances set out in subregulation (2).

(2) An approved family day care educator assistant may assist the family day care educator by-

(a) in the absence of the family day care educator, transporting a child between the family day care residence or approved family day care venue and-

(i) a school; or

(ii) another education and care service or children’s service; or

(iii) the child’s home; and

(b) providing education and care to a child, in the absence of the family day care educator, in emergency situations, including when the educator requires urgent medical care or treatment; and

(c) providing education and care to a child, in the absence of the family day care educator to attend an appointment (other than a regular appointment), if-

(i) the absence is for less than 4 hours; and

(ii) the approved provider of the family day care service has approved that absence; and

(iii) notice of that absence has been given to the parents of the child; and
(d) providing assistance to the educator while the educator is educating and caring for children as part of a family day care service.

(3) An approved provider must not approve a person under subregulation (1) unless the family day care educator provides the written consent of a parent of each child being educated and cared for by the educator to the use of the assistant in the circumstances set out in subregulation (2).

Linsaa fdc :wave:
Thanks for sharing!


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