CHCPR303D - Scenario: Rowena, Jim - Observations

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CHCPR303D - Scenario: Rowena, Jim - Observations

Post by Rhiannon09 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:12 pm

case study:
rowena is planning an experience gor the room. she has collected some observation records ( two anecodotal records) about jim (4 years) and is preparing to use this information to determain the activity. these are the anecdotal records rowena uses:

childs name: jim age: 4 years, 3 months
date: 15.01.12
recorded by: rowena setting: indoors at block mat

jim sat at the block area for 25mins working on a long block track that used all the blocks on the shelf.

childs name: jim age: 4 years, 3 months
date: 16.01.12
recorded by: rowena settings: indoors at block mat

jim built a block tower that included 10 blocks stacked one on top of another. he then used the remaining blocks to make a long block travk on the mat.

ive answered questions 1-2

question 3: do you think that rowenas observations record his language skills?
answer: no ?

question 6: do you think rowena should have included other children in these observations? why?
answer: unsure on how to answer the question my answer was no

question 9: do you think rowenas records were biased or negitive in any way?
yes/no why/why not?
answer: unsure

Last edited by Lorina on Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHCPR303D - Scenario: Rowena, Jim - Observations

Post by Lorina » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:32 am

Question 3 - You're right. It doesn't record any language development.

Question 6 - Yes. To get an understanding of how Jim interacts with others while engaging in an experience.

Question 9 - How does Rowena know that it was a long block track? Did she ask him what it as or is she assuming because the blocks are al lined up?

You need to provide more information to your response rather than a simple yes/no answer. You need to write a brief explanation on why you chose your selection.

Hope this helps,


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