CHCIC11B - Food and Nutrition Policy - Implement and promote inclusive policies and practices

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CHCIC11B - Food and Nutrition Policy - Implement and promote inclusive policies and practices

Post by issabella1985 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:34 pm

hi guys im doing an assignment on reviewing policys and need alittle help ive choosen to do food and nutrition for the first policy but i cant seem to find any princibles to relate to the topic does anyone have any usefull websites or even books i willing to hunt books down at the library too '
below is a copy of my Q just so u know what im looking at

Review two policies from Summerville Children’s Centre.
You must choose one (1) specific ‘anti-bias’ or ‘inclusive’ policy from the list of policies. The other policy selected may include any from the policy list within Summerville. This may include enrolment policy; food and nutrition policy; behaviour management policy; communication policy; interactions with children policy or orientation policy.
Analyse each policy in regards to how it addresses or incorporates inclusive practice. For each policy consider the following:
1. Does it meet the necessary regulations and standards that apply to Children’s Services in regards to demonstration of inclusive practices? These may include: Regulations/National Standards, Accreditation requirements or/and the NSW Curriculum Framework for Children’s Services: The Practice of Relationships.You need to quote the components of the guidelines that apply here and analyse if each policy reflects these. Explain why or why not. What needs to be included to reflect the applicable regulations or standards?
At least 2 references should be made for each policy
2. Apply your knowledge on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values and culture in terms of your analysis of the policies. Are the policies culturally appropriate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families? Do they reflect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural values and attitudes? Analyse the policies you have chosen and suggest modifications or adaptations that would make them more appropriate in their consideration of Aboriginal families and children.

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Re: CHCIC11B - Implement and promote inclusive policies and practices

Post by Lorina » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:39 pm

Hi Issabella,

I got some information that you can use for your assignment.

[attachment=1]NQS_Section 1.pdf[/attachment] (In this find Quality Area 2: Children's Health & Safety) .

[attachment=0]EYLF.pdf[/attachment] (In this find Learning Outcome 3.2: Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well being).

Hopefully this should help you in answering the questions!

Cheers :geek:,
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Re: CHCIC11B - Food and Nutrition Policy - Implement and promote inclusive policies and practices

Post by issabella1985 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:01 pm

thank you so much big help :) :P

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Re: CHCIC11B - Food and Nutrition Policy - Implement and promote inclusive policies and practices

Post by clc » Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:51 pm

Hi Issabella,

How did you go answering this? I'm now stuck on this one!! Help please!! ;)

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