Thank you for the reply. That was all I could find also, but I have just this morning found this regulation:
168 Education and care service must have policies and procedures
. (1) The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that the service has in place policies and procedures in relation to the matters set out in sub regulation (2).
And one of the 'matters' set out in the sub regulations is about the centre having policies and procedures on sun protection, so I think that might be what I have to put in the table.
I'll type the question below so that might help with the other question.
Task 1:
You are an assistant in a long day care service and a new staff member has just started. You need to research the following areas and record in dot point form all the information they need to know about these subject areas, in order to do their job correctly.
Use the table format suggested below and provide one page of information per topic (total 4 pages).
Hygiene / toileting
The table has three sections to fill in; Policy information, National Education and Care Regulations/Law Act information & Quality Area Indicators.
Policy information on clothing was easy as I am working at a kindergarten so I used their policies.
Still a bit confused about the hygiene / toileting, I presume they mean hygiene in toileting situations. Our kindy has a Toileting and Nappy Change policy.
Thank you again for replying