There were ten in the bed (Hold up 10 fingers.)
and the little one said, (Hold your hands close together, indicating 'small.')
"Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other, or each student turns to the right and says, "Roll over! Roll over!")
So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right and the student in the first chair 'falls out' of the bed.)
Nine! (Hold up 10 fingers and then take one away, leaving 9.)
There were nine in the bed (Hold up 9 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Eight! (Hold up 9 fingers and then take one away, leaving 8.)
There were eight in the bed (Hold up 8 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Seven! (Hold up 8 fingers and then take one away, leaving 7.)
There were seven in the bed (Hold up 7 fingers.)
and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Six! (Hold up 7 fingers and then take one away, leaving 6.)
There were six in the bed (Hold up 6 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Five! (Hold up 6 fingers and then take one away, leaving 5.)
There were five in the bed (Hold up 5 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Four! (Hold up 5 fingers and then take one away, leaving 4.)
There were four in the bed (Hold up 4 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Three! (Hold up 4 fingers and then take one away, leaving 3.)
There were three in the bed (Hold up 3 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Two! (Hold up 3 fingers and then take one away, leaving 2.)
There were two in the bed (Hold up 2 fingers.)
and the little one said,"Roll over, roll over"
So they both rolled over and one fell out.
One! (Hold up 2 fingers and then take one away, leaving 1.)
There was one in the bed (Hold up 1 finger.)
and the little one said, "I'm lonely...(sigh)"
(The one remaining student lays down on the chair, then everyone shouts "WAKE UP!" and the student falls out of bed.)
Round and round the garden
Like a teddy bear.
One step, two step,
Tickle you under there.
Round about there
Sat a little hare
The bow-wows came and chased him
Right up there.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it, Pat it and mark it with B,
Put it in the oven for baby and me.
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it up, roll it up;
And throw it in a pan!
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it up, roll it up;
Put it in a pan;
And toss it in the oven as fast as you can!
Patty Cake, Patty Cake,
Baker's Man;
That I will Master,
As fast as I can;
Prick it and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And there will be enough for Tommy and me.
Miss Polly had a dolly
Who was sick, sick, sick!
So she called for the Doctor,
To come quick, quick, quick!
The Doctor came
with his (her) bag and his (her) hat,
And he (she) knocked on the door
With a Rat-a – tat – tat!
He (she) looked at the dolly,
And he (she) shook his (her) head,
And he (she) said “Miss Polly put her straight to bed!”
He (she) wrote on a paper
For a pill, pill, pill,
"I’ll be back in the morning
With the bill, bill, bill!"
(Optional Last Paragraph)
She went to bed,
And she slept all night,
And she woke up in the morning,
Feeling quite alright!
Miss Polly rocks the dolly looking concerned, she mimes telephoning the Doctor. The Doctor taps his hat and shows his bag, and knocks on the door (or the floor will do!) He looks at the dolly, shakes his head, and wags his finger as he gives his advice to Miss Polly. He takes out his notebook and does a little bit of ‘writing’ to tell Miss Polly what type of medicine the dolly needs. He waves and leaves. Miss Polly then looks very happy because the dolly is feeling much better in the morning!
I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!
I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can change my handle to my spout
Just tip me over and pour me out.
Line #2: (one hand on hip), (other arm out straight)
Line #4: (As song ends, lean over and tip arm out like a spout.)
Line #7: (Switch arm positions and repeat tipping motion.)
This Australian song with actions, it's about a man who loves and is proud of his home, the country he lives in and the relaxed lifestyle of Australia. It also has a set of mime actions accompanying the chorus
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and ears And mouth and nose
Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
And eyes and ears
And mouth and shins
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
And eyes and ears
And mouth and hips
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
(Repeat the first verse)
Five little speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious grubs
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green speckled frogs.
(The verse is then repeated, but with one fewer frog each time.)
Five dumb speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating some some scum (Yum, yum!)
One little speckled frog
Fell off the speckled log
Now there's only four dumb speckled frogs (Glub, glub!)
Line #1: By show of fingers hold up the number of frogs sitting on the log.
Line #2: Draw in your hands close to your chest and curl your fingers downward, facing the floor as though you are a frog perched atop a log.
Line #3: Mimic eating while you sing 'Eating some scum', then rub your belly delightfully while singing 'yum, yum!'.
Line #4: Hold one finger up to represent the frog who fell off the log.
Line #5: Pretend to fall over.
Line #6: By a show of fingers, hold up the number of frogs still remaining on the log while singing "Now there's only four speckled frogs". Upon singing "(glub, glub)", repeat the same movement as in the second line except look upward as though you were a frog underneath water.
The wheels on the bus go round and round (Roll hands over each other)
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town.
The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish, (Put arms together in front of you and'swish' like wind shield wipers)
Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"
The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"
All through the town.
The door on the bus goes open and shut (Cover eyes with hands on 'shut' and uncover them on 'open')
Open and shut, open and shut
The door on the bus goes open and shut
All through the town.
The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep (Pretend to honk horn)
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep"
The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep"
All through the town.
The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug (Pretend to fill tank using pointer finger as gas nozzle)
Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug"
The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug"
All through the town.
The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink, (Pretend to put money in cash box on bus)
Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink"
The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"
All through the town.
The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah! (Fisted hands in front of eyes and rub them like baby crying)
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!"
The baby on the bus says, "Wah, wah, wah!"
All through the town.
The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh, (Put pointer finger to mouth to 'shhh')
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh"
The people on the bus say, "Shh, shh, shh"
All through the town.
The mommy on the bus says, "I love you, (Point to self on 'I',right hand over heart on 'love', and point to other on 'you')
I love you, I love you"
The daddy on the bus says, "I love you, too"
All through the town.
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
move on back, move on back;"
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",
All through the town.
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush; Shush, shush, shush."
"The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush"
All through the town.
The bell on the bus goes ding-ding-ding.
The lady on the bus says, "Get off my feet"...
The people on the bus say, "We had a nice ride"...
"Your name" on the bus says Let Me Off!
Two little dickie birds,
Sitting on a wall;
One named Peter,
One named Paul.
Fly away Peter!
Fly away Paul!
Come Back Peter!
Come Back Paul!
There were two blackbirds
Sat upon a hill,
The one was nam'd Jack,
The other nam'd Gill;
Fly away Jack,
Fly away Gill,
Come again Jack,
Come again Gill
Line #1 Both of the exposed, marked, fingers are wiggled to attract attention
Line #2 Wiggle one marked finger, Peter, to attract attention
Line #3 Wiggle other marked finger, Paul, to attract attention
Line #4 The Peter hand is quickly drawn back alongside the adult’s head. As part of the movement the adult folds the marked finger and sticks out the second finger of the same hand and drops the hand back down to the original position. The child sees that the marking, Peter, is no longer there – it has flown away
Line #5 The action is repeated with the other hand Line #6 The action is reversed to make Peter reappear Line #7 The action is reversed to make Paul reappear.
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