Pre-writing skills are crucial for young children as they lay the foundation for future writing success. The following article provides information on What Are Pre-writing Skills, Importance Of Pre-Writing Skill Activities To Promote Pre-Writing Skills and more.
School readiness" refers to a child's preparedness to succeed in a school environment. It's not just about academic skills like reading, writing, and math, but also encompasses the development of the whole child, including their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. The following article provides information on Key Aspects Of School Readiness, How To Support School Readiness and more.
Come along with Little Ted and Kiya as they prepare for their first day at primary school. This episode reflects some of the common experiences for children starting school for the first time, sharing helpful ‘tried and tested’ strategies to incorporate at home and in early learning settings.
Writing transition statements in early childhood education is an important task that helps ensure a smooth transition for children moving from early childhood settings to primary school. The following article provides information on the Purpose Of Transition Statements, Key Components Of Transition Statements, Tips For Writing Transition Statements, Examples and more.
Visual Motor Integration covers efficient and effective coordination between the eyes and the hands so that children are able to copy, draw or write what they see. Since children develop their handwriting based on what they see in a model and then imitate it in their own writing, they need to have effective Visual Motor Integration. The following article provides information on What Is Visual Motor Integration, VMI and Handwriting, Improving Visual Motor Skills and more.
Recently, Sarah Mitchell, the Minister of Education for NSW, proposed that all children enrol in school the year they turn six.
A child’s Transition Statement summarises their abilities as they start school and identifies their individual approaches to learning. Though there might be several people contributing to the information included in the Transition Statement, early childhood educators have the primary responsibility of drawing up the Transition Statement. The following article provides information on the Features Of Transition Statements and Practical Examples For Each Learning Outcome.
This template enables preschoolers heading off to Kindergarten the following year, to draw and talk about how they feel going to "big school".
Among all the changes that impact a child’s early life, one of the most significant is the move from early education and care setting to a full-time school. The change not only involves entirely new people and places but longer schedules, a more structured environment and greater individual responsibility. The following article provides information on supporting children's transition to school including Involving Children and Families, Supporting Continuity Of Learning, Transition Programs and more.
Among all the changes that impact a child’s early life, one of the most significant is the move from early education and care setting to a full-time school. The following article provides Educators with a guide on planning supportive transition practices for preschoolers going to primary school the following year including practical ideas to involve children, partnering with families, collaborating with other professionals, planning transition programs and more.
Among the most contentious issues in early childhood, settings are biting, though it is widely...
See more...The following are 8 Principles that reflect contemporary theories and research evidence concerning children and...
See more...Inquiry-based learning in early childhood is a powerful approach that nurtures children's natural curiosity and...
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