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Walking Together - A Resource For Inclusive Practice Related To ATSI People

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Walking Together - A Resource For Inclusive Practice Related To ATSI People Image by Shaun Finn from Pixabay

Walking Together, developed by the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association, is a free inclusion support and protocol resource for early childhood services.

It provides a starting point that focuses on culturally appropriate and inclusive practices in welcoming ATSI families and children, increasing knowledge and understanding of ATSI histories, cultures etc. and contributes to reconciliation and countering racism and prejudice of all kinds that affect ATSI people.

The Walking Together resource focuses on a variety of topics that non - Aboriginal Educators in early learning services need to be familiar with and offers suggestions for practice.

Topics Include:

  • Cultural Perspectives In Generalist Services
  • Links To Belonging, Being and Becoming
  • Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures and Perspectives In Practice
  • Significant Dates For ATSI People
  • Commonly Asked Questions
  • Languages (Victoria Specific)
  • Welcome To The Country and Acknowledgement Of The Country
  • Learning Opportunities and Experiences 
  • Inclusive Practices
  • Welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families 
  • Choosing Resources and more...

Non-Aboriginal Educators hesitant or fear of making a mistake for being inappropriate of offensive, using this resource will build your confidence in incorporating ATSI culture and understanding within your service.

Please note: Walking Together has been developed for Victoria however Educators from other states within Australia can use the general information to extend their knowledge and understanding.

To download a copy: Walking Together

Walking Together, Victorian Aboriginal Education Association and Victorian Inclusion Agency

Created On July 9, 2024 Last modified on Wednesday, July 10, 2024
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