On Thursday 21 May 2020, is Outdoor Classroom Day, a global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor play and learning.
Due to the coronavirus this year, for Outdoor Classroom Day, a theme "Playful Nature" has been developed to encourage children who cannot play outside, to dress up in nature. From using natural dyes to turn old clothes into nature colours to creating nature out of recycled materials.
Children around the world are spending more time indoors and in front of screens. Connecting to nature can restore our sense of wellbeing. For children, this connection is best made through play – whether outdoors in nature or indoors with natural elements.
Other ideas include:
- Make a nature crown out of leaves, cardboard or twigs.
- Use a cardboard box and paints to make beautiful butterfly wings.
- Turn yourself into your favourite animal with a simple mask.
- Outdoor symphony encourage children to listen to everything going on outside and think about different ways of recreating and recording the sounds.
- Cloud watching is a fun activity for children of all ages and a wonderful way to connect to the outdoors from inside the house.
- Paint a stone animal
For more ideas: Resources
For more information: Outdoor Classroom Day
Please note: Outdoor Classroom Day is celebrated twice during the year - 21 May 2020 and 5th Novemeber 2020