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Assessment Information For Provider Approval

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Assessment Information For Provider Approval

The approvals assessment process helps ensure all applicants, prior to approval, understand their responsibilities under Laws and Regulations.

As the regulatory authority for NSW, the department is responsible for assessing anyone who is seeking to own and/or operate early childhood education and care services. The assessment and approvals procedures are in place to:

  • ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of children attending education and care services
  • ensure all approved providers and services understand their responsibilities under the relevant legislation and
  • promote continuous improvement in the provision of quality education and care services.

As an applicant to become an approved provider or operate a service, you must satisfy the department that you are a fit and proper person and can demonstrate the requisite level of knowledge and understanding of your responsibilities under the relevant legislation.

Information And Assessment Session

All applicants wishing to seek approval to become a new provider, establish a new service, or provide notification of an approved service transfer, or changes of persons with management or control, will be required to attend an information and assessment session.

The information session runs for approximately three hours. It is delivered in collaboration with the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training, NSW Ombudsman, and the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian (for those not in NSW it is delivered by your states Regulatory Authority and related authorities).

The information session is followed by a one hour assessment designed to assess your knowledge of the National Law and National Regulations, or the Supplementary Provisions. The assessment consists of multiple choice questions and short answer questions, based on two scenarios.

The assessment is open book, and participants can bring their own copy of the National Law and National Regulations, Supplementary Provisions, and ACECQA's Guide to the National Quality Framework. The documents can be marked up in any way that the applicant finds useful. Copies will not be provided by the department at the assessment.

The assessment questions are derived directly from the National Law and National Regulations, or the Supplementary Provisions.

Resources and Links Of Supporting Materials For The Assessment Session

The following are resources and links to information that you may require to learn or to have knowledge in for the assessment session.

Education and Care Services National Regulations
National Law
Operational Requirements 
Approved Learning Frameworks
Mandatory Reporting
Child Protection (NSW)
Immunisation Requirements NSW (others please check your state Regulations)
Physical Environment
Educational Program and Practice

Please note that the information above does not guarantee it will be in the assessment session, however it is important for you to be familiar with them.

Tips From Those Who Have Already Taken The Assessment

The following are tips from those who have already taken the assessment test for provider approval. These are based on the their own personal experiences that they shared on the Aussie Childcare Network forum.

  • Least 4-5 weeks advance notice
  • They do have National Law and Regulations there if you don't have a copy with you.
  • Answer some question in the respect of what laws/policies were breached in the scenario, and how policies would be applied to assist you in that scenario.
  • A couple of questions on inappropriate discipline/complaint and incident/collection of children.
  • One is about inappropriate discipline and the other is about children protection.
  • There are a lot of laws/regulations involved for each scenario questions and you're required to list at least 5 of them.
  • You really need to be confident in recognising which law is being contravened in the scenario,
  • The department has created several different versions of the test so everyone in the room will have a different scenario and different multiple-choice questions.
  • You can mark your books in any way to help you during the exam,
  • If don't attend the assessment session application will be treated as incomplete and terminated (VIC)
  • The test is a random set of questions that are based on the responsibilities and obligations of an Approved Provider.

For more information: Assessment For Provider Approval Aussie Childcare Network Forum

Your assessment outcome will be considered along with other relevant information, which may include your compliance history with the National Law and National Regulations, Supplementary Provisions, and previous laws pertaining to children's services, any relevant service rating, and checks made with other government agencies.

The department will continue to work with the early childhood education sector on how best to support all applicants to participate in the process.

Please note: This information is to be used as a general guideline only. Some of the information is specific to NSW (refer to your states government agencies for information specific to you).  

Approvals Process

Created On March 6, 2021 Last modified on Saturday, March 6, 2021
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