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Ice Cube Painting

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Ice Cube Painting Peter Richardson

Use ice to paint with in this activity.

Materials Needed:

  • A tray/container.
  • A4 sheet of paper.
  • Powdered paint/jelly crystals’/food colouring mixed with water and freeze overnight.

What to do:

  • Pre-make coloured ice cubes the previous night.
  • Once frozen add the ice-cubes into a bowl.
  • Place the ice-cubes in front of baby and encourage them to touch them or try to pick them up.
  • If baby is hesitant to try, pick up an ice cube and offer it to baby.
  • Lay a piece of paper down in front of baby and show baby how to draw with the ice cubes.
  • Pushing the ice-cube along the paper will be sufficient enough to create a painting as they begin to melt.
  • Hang paper to dry.
  • Wash baby’s hands.

Hints and Tips:

  • When making the ice cubes for this activity, add some food colouring, mixed with water into the ice cube tray itself. Freeze.
  • Do this activity in a warm room so the ice cubes melt faster.
  • If the colouring won’t appear on the paper, add more colouring to the ice.
  • Always watch your baby during this activity in case of choking.
  • Talk about ice, how it feels, what happens when it melts. Baby may not understand but increases their vocabulary.

Additional Info

  • Appropriate Age: 1 year+
  • Number of Children: Individual (1), Couple (2), Few (3), Small Group (4), Large Group (5 or more)
  • Developmental Milestones:

    - Understands more words than they can say.
    - Can follow a broader range of instructions.
    - Listens while others are talking.
    - Is able to hold objects in each hand at the same time.
    - Enjoys playing with moving objects.

  • Play Based Learning: Sensory Play, Exploratory Play, Manipulative Play
  • Interest Areas: Art and Craft, Outdoor Area, Science and Nature, Sensory Play
  • Games Categories: Art and Craft, Creative Play Games, Fine Motor Skills, Language Development, Learning Games, Manipulation Games, Sensory Games
  • EYLF Outcomes: Learning Outcome 4
  • Sub Outcomes:

    LO4 - Children Are Confident And Involved Learners

    4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity cooperation confidence creativity commitment enthusiasm persistence imagination and reflexivity

    4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving inquiry experimentation hypothesising researching and investigating

    LO5 - Children Are Effective Communicators

    5.3 Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media

    5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work

Created On May 17, 2023 Last modified on Monday, May 15, 2023
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