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The Pre Writing Worksheets - Rainbow enable children to trace over various lines, strokes and patterns. This will support children to develop the correct method of learning to write letters and numbers and practice holding a pencil correctly.

Pre-writing skills are the techniques that will make a child ready for writing. It is just like you have to walk first before you run likewise pre-writing skills will help children develop fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination which will strengthen the hand muscles. The following article provides information on Pre-Writing Skills Activities, Benefits Of Pre-Writing Skills and more. 

Space Tracing Lines aims to help children in the development of pre-writing skills. It provides children with the ability to use cognitive development, observations, and hand-eye coordination and encourages the child to draw in a specific direction. As a child practice tracing over these lines through copying and tracing this will give them the confidence and ability to write letters and numbers correctly.

Easter Egg Tracing Lines aims to help children in the development of pre-writing skills. It provides children with the ability to use cognitive development, observations, and hand-eye coordination and encourages the child to draw in a specific direction. As a child practice tracing over these lines through copying and tracing this will give them the confidence and ability to write letters and numbers correctly.

The Insects and Bugs Pom Pom Mats are a great fine motor skills activity for children. It enables children to place pom pom balls on the correct spot on each insect and bug. This helps children with developing their fine motor skills as well as their hand/eye coordination. Children can choose the same colour as the insect or bug or add multiple colours. This activity can also be used with playdough as well.

The Flower Tracing printables enable children to draw flowers by tracing over the light coloured lines on one half of the flower. This is great for young children to gain control over their hand movements through tracing which will, in turn, develop their pre-writing skills. For older children, this will assist them in learning to draw flowers. The flowers can be decorated and coloured once traced.

Tracing Baubles aims to help children in the development of pre-writing skills. It provides children the ability to use cognitive development, observations, hand-eye co-ordination and encourages the child to draw in a specific direction. As a child practices tracing over these lines through copying and tracing this will give them the confidence and ability to write letters and numbers correctly.

Tracing Pictures Worksheet consists of lines or shapes that a child can trace over and then they continue on to decorate and colour the picture. The skill of tracing over different lines or shapes is called pattern writing. As a child practices pattern writing through copying and tracing lines and shapes, this will give them the confidence and the ability to write letters and numbers correctly.

Worksheets on pre writing skills of tracing circles

Worksheets on pre writing skills of tracing downward curves

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