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The Harmony In Different Languages Posters show how to say Harmony in different languages from around the world. This is great to be used as a display in the learning environment and to celebrate Harmony Week.

Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias!
Gday, Guten - Tag, Konichiwa
Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey Dien
Hello to all the children of the world!

We live in different places all around the world
We speak in many different ways!

Though some things may be different
We're children just the same
And we all like to sing and play

Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias!
Gday, Guten - Tag, Konichiwa
Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey Dien
Hello to all the children of the world!

There are children in the deserts
And children in the towns
And children who live down by the sea

If we could meet each other
To run and sing and play
Then what good friends we all could be

Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias!
Gday, Guten - Tag, Konichiwa
Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey Dien
Hello to all the children of the world!

Hints and Tips:

  • Learn the actions
  • Sing as a welcome song in the morning
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