The Play Quotes Posters, show popular quotes about children and play. They can be used as a reminder of why play is important for children. These can be displayed in the learning environment for Educators and for families as well.
These Diwali Posters show images of how Diwali is celebrated in India. These are great to show children and to start conversations on different celebrations around the world.
Diwali is India’s most important festival of the year—a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. Widely observed among more than a billion people from a variety of faiths across India. Diwali is marked by prayer, feasts, fireworks, family gatherings, and charitable giving.
The Monthly Title Pages are great to use for a variety of different purposes. They can be used in a child's art folder to separate the art the child completes each month, they can be used as monthly sections in a children's monthly observations, they can be used to display interests the children have engaged in over the course of the month, they can be used as a display for monthly events that have taken place within the learning environment and much more.
The Stages Of Play Posters have 6 different types of play that were developed by Mildred Parten. She discovered that children of different ages actually played together differently and they were capable of different levels or categories of social play. These posters are great to be displayed within the room environment.
The Australian Birds Posters are great to share with children and show Australia's different types of birds. These can be great to display in the outdoor environment and see if birds can be identified from the poster. These can also be used to identify birds for the Aussie Backyard Bird Count that takes place from the 17-the 23 of October.
The Room Guidelines - Blue have simple guidelines children can follow. These guidelines are easy for children to understand and also include an image so children can follow.
The Baby Growth 1st Year Posters are designed to show the physical milestones a baby reaches during their first year. These can be used as a display in the nursery to coincide with images of real babies achieving milestones throughout their first year. Please remember - This should be used as a general guideline only.
The Victoria's Child Safe Standards Posters are a set of mandatory requirements to protect children and young people from harm and abuse. The new 11 Child Safe Standards came into force in Victoria on 1 July 2022.
The My Early Warning Signs Posters detail the first signs and symptoms that a child may experience when they feel that something isn't right. These are great for children to understand what their bodies are telling them and a way to spark conversation with young children on what to do if they feel these warning signs.
The NSW Child Safe Standards Posters display each of the 10 standards as well as details on why each standard is important and how this standard can be applied in the service. The Child Safe Standards establish a standard so that organisations can evaluate their ability to keep children safe and set performance goals. The Standards offer organisations practical advice on how to promote a child-friendly culture, adopt policies, and take actions that prioritise children's best interests and keep them safe from harm.
Ocean Animals Tangrams enable children to use tangrams to create ocean animals. The shapes can...
View Worksheet...Passenger Plane Counting is a counting activity for children to match the correct number of...
View Worksheet...School Bag Shadows Cut and Paste is a great activity for children to identify the...
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