Within Australia, Programming and Planning is reflected and supported by the Early Years Learning Framework. Educators within early childhood settings, use the EYLF to guide their decisions to interpret and assess children’s learning and development.
The Early Years Learning Framework describes the curriculum as “all the interactions, experiences, activities, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in an environment designed to foster children’s learning and development”.
Portfolios have become a popular form of documentation used to give families, a keepsake at the end of the year. It is usually a folder containing samples of child’s work and photos of experiences the child was involved in throughout the year. However, it has become much more than a folder for storing artwork and photos so to speak. Portfolios are a journey of a child’s learning....
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting. It’s about reflecting not only about what happened but why. It also guides our decision making. It forces us to analyse different aspects of experiences we offer to make judgements in what should be repeated, extended or changed. This enables us to develop and extend on children’s learning and build upon their knowledge and skills.
This is a guide on How to Write a Learning Story. It provides information on What Is A Learning Story, Writing A Learning Story, Sample Of A Learning Story, Linking To The Outcomes, Group Learning Stories and more.
To support children achieve learning outcomes from the EYLF Framework, the following list gives educators examples of how to promote children's learning in each individual learning outcome. These can be used when assessing children's learning, critically reflecting on the experiences planned, strategies to implement for each learning outcome and more. It also encourages and promotes each individual outcome throughout the early childhood setting.
The EYLF Outcomes and Activities Posters provide a list of activities under each individual eylf...
View Worksheet...Alphabet Colour Cut and Paste enables children to colour and cut the shapes on the...
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