The Deep Breathing Posters provide instructions on different types of breathing exercises for children. Breathing exercises provide a number of key benefits for children including reducing stress and increasing positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The Calendar Of Events 2022 Posters lists cultural and special events that are taking place from January - December 2022. This should help you to plan and organise for upcoming events and celebrations for 2022. These can be used as a display as a reminder of events and cultural celebrations that will take place during that month.
Sustainable Posters provide points on how services contribute to sustainability within their service by minimising waste, reducing energy, minimise water consumption and use less toxins.
The NQS states that services take an active role in caring for its environment and contributes to a sustainable future (standard 3.3).
The Benefits of Play Posters provides detailed information on how the child benefits from playing in different areas set up throughout the early childhood service. These posters provides the purpose, the development and learning and the skills a child develops when playing and engaging in different experiences throughout the day.
Halloween Gross Motor Movement Cards are a great way to get children moving enabling children to use whole body actions. Each action is simple to follow and movements are based on a halloween theme.
Space Gross Motor Movement Cards are a great way to get children moving enabling children to use whole body actions. Each action is simple to follow and movements are based on a space theme.
The Levels For Childcare Wages In Australia Posters enable Educators to determine what classification structure they fall under, according to the Children’s Services Award 2010 that determines their minimum wage. Each Poster gives a definition of the level, qualifications required and the duties an Educator should perform in order to be paid at that particular level. This will help Educators to understand their correct level and their correct pay at that specific level. These Posters should be displayed in the Staff Room or added into the Orientation Pack for Educators so they understand their classification level.
The Encouraging Phrases Posters are examples of encouraging phrases you could use with children throughout the day. These can be displayed within the service as a reminder of positive phrases for Educators to reinforce to children.
Encouragement is a self-esteem enhancing tool that Educators should utilize more often. By using encouragement it focuses on the child rather than on the adult. It helps children to feel that we (adults) are interested in them and in what they are doing. It also shows that we have taken the time to notice how they are feeling.
Air Drawing Brain Breaks enables children to take a break from their task and to refocus. They start at the dot and follow along the line. These can be shown to children and they redraw the pattern in the air or laminated and children follow along the line with their finger. Great addition to add to a calm down area.
Air Drawing Brain Breaks provide many skills such as direction going from left to right, visual spatial skills, visual tracking, eye hand co-ordination, crossing the midline and more.
The following posters are developmental skills that supports a child's school readiness. The skills are separated in each of the appropriate developmental learning areas. You can use the skills as part of your program in determining suitable experiences for the preschool children. The list of developmental skills are a essential part of a child's short and long term success when starting school.
Remembering Soldiers Cut and Paste is an activity that enables children to commemorate soldiers by...
View Worksheet...The Superhero Tracing Dots enables children to trace the dots to complete the superhero picture...
View Worksheet...Fingerprint Alphabet Art is a simple activity for children to create objects using their fingerprints...
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