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The Alphabet Stew Poem Posters is a letter sound recognition game that can be played with children during group time. Cut out the letters provided and add them to the "witches' brew". After saying the Alphabet Stew poem, choose a child to choose a letter to recognise and the sound it makes. This is great for phonics and identifying letters.

The Car Wheels Alphabet Match is an alphabet activity that enables children to recognise lowercase and uppercase letters and match the lowercase letter to the correct uppercase wheel. This is a great alphabet and letter recognition game for children.

The Letter Picture Dots Worksheets enable children to trace each letter of the alphabet along with the corresponding picture. These are great for children who are developing their pre-writing skills and also encourages them to learn and recognise letters of the alphabet. These can be laminated and used over and over again with the children.

The Firefighter Alphabet Match is a fun way for children to learn and match alphabet letters. This alphabet activity enables children to recognise letters and match each letter to the correct fire for the firefighter to extinguish.

The Letter Songs Posters are individual posters for each letter of the alphabet that include a simple song to help children learn the sounds of each letter and recognise each letter. These are great to display in the learning environment.

The Letter Of The Week enables Educators to choose a letter of the alphabet for children to learn for the week. Using the Letter Of The Week posters Educators can implement a variety of experiences that will assist children in learning the letter. This can also be used during circle time.

The First Sounds Match Up is a great phonics activity for children to sound out the letter and match the picture to the correct letter sound. This is a great way for children to begin learning letter sounds and for children to begin learning phonics.

The Feed The Monster Letters is an alphabet activity that enables children to recognise letters and match each letter to the correct monster. This is a great ABC learning game and letter recognition game for children.

The Bunny Picture Letter Match enables children to match the correct letter with the correct picture. Children look at the picture on the left side and choose the correct letter that corresponds with that letter. These can also be laminated and used as a writing task for older children by asking children to write the correct letter matching to the picture.

Letter Spy

The Letter Spy Worksheets are great for children to "spy" and colour the correct letter for each letter of the alphabet. This is great for children learning letters and recognising letters of the alphabet. 

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