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New Child Protection Laws

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New Child Protection Laws Brendan C

New Child Protections Laws have just been introduced in Australia to hold more people accountable if they fail to act or report risks of child abuse.

Organisations (including child care services) responsible for children, will now be required to actively manage the risks of child abuse offences being committed against children in their care. Failure to make a report could result in the organisation or person in authority going to jail for upto 5 years.

These new laws will hold people within these organisations to account for their actions and to ensure that they place the safety and welfare of children first.

Reporting periods for all child abuse claims have also been scrapped to encourage victims to come forward and take legal action regardless of when abuse occurred.

These new Child Protection laws are designed to help protect children against abuse come into effect, days after the anniversary of Sheree Beasley’s death (gruesome case of abuse that happened 25 years ago).

Source: Heraldsun

Last modified on Wednesday, November 16, 2016
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