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Changes To Belonging, Being and Becoming - Learning Environments

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Changes To Belonging, Being and Becoming - Learning Environments

Changes to Learning Environments in Belonging, Being and Becoming now include a clearer definition of both indoor and outdoor learning environments, and descriptions of learning environments, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families these contributions can assist in building an intercultural space, Opportunities for children to learn on Country are recognised.

What This Looks Like In Practice?

  • All indoor and outdoor learning environments are welcoming and culturally safe. Each child, family, educator and community member is respected. They share meaning, knowledge, and experience of learning, living and working together with dignity.
  • Educators encourage children and families to contribute ideas, interests and questions to the learning environment. They support engagement by allowing time for meaningful interactions and providing a range of opportunities for individual and shared experiences.
  • Educators identify opportunities for children to actively participate and contribute in their local community.
  • There are intentionally planned learning environments catering for different learning capacities and learning styles, which support reasonable adjustments where required. Educators arrange resources thoughtfully, with respect and with the intent to engage, stimulate, extend, scaffold and facilitate learning through interactions.
  • Educators plan and provide both active and calming spaces, as well as various times across the day for active and quiet play. They provide individual as well as group spaces that respond to children’s interests and capabilities.
  • The learning environments reflect an intercultural space where both Western and traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge is shared.
  • Outdoor learning environments provide children with access to play spaces in natural environments and may include plants, trees, edible gardens, open spaces, sand, rocks, mud, water and other elements from nature.
  • Educators participate in and offer opportunities for children to learn about the Country and seek further information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander connections and relationships with the Country.
  • Approved providers and educators attend to all aspects of the environment to enable all children to participate, succeed in learning and develop positive feelings of self-worth.

For more information, please read the following: Belonging, Being and Becoming - Learning Environments

Last modified on Monday, August 28, 2023
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