Not sure it’s for me

Questions on working as a casual. Such as job responsibilities, what to do, finding casual work etc.
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Not sure it’s for me

Post by childcarexcasual » Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:55 pm

Hi all,

I’ve been in the industry for 8 months now and working casually but close to full time hours. I love the children and doing all the activities with them but have just found staff to be too much for me.
Lots of bitchiness and nastiness going on and now to make matters worse lots of kids with behavioural issues that i don’t feel confident dealing with.

I love working with the children but i’m now at a point where i don’t know if this is my true passion or something i just generally enjoy on a good day. it’s starting to get to the point where i think about quitting a lot and moving onto different things, but problem is i’m working where my daughter also attends (baby room)

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Re: Not sure it’s for me

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:26 pm


One of the main reasons unfortunately educators leave is because of the bitchiness and bullying that goes on in a centre because of staff. It's such a shame that women can't get along with one another and have to result to gossiping, lying, ganging up on others, picking sides and more.

I have learnt that you shouldn't take anything personally and that you need to have thick skin. Just let others talk and bitch... in one ear and out the other.. don't react...

If you're already thinking about quitting and looking into something else then your heart isn't really into it. If you're not enjoying it then move on... do only what makes you happy.

As for your daughter, if you leave it shouldn't affect her enrolment. However, it may be a little awkward for you to go to the centre where you had previously worked to pick up your daughter.

Before leaving though, just make sure you have another job to go to. So in the meantime look for other work and possibly another centre for your baby then give your notice.


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