Continuous Cycle of Planning

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Continuous Cycle of Planning

Post by helenmarie » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:22 pm

I and many of my colleagues are struggling with the observation and planning, nothing we do seems to satisfy. When I came across aussiechildcarenetwork I thought this was the answer to all our headaches. I sent my fdc coordinator the downloaded sample to see if this was sufficient and received the following reply.

"The example you sent is a good observation, interpretation and link to EYLF with one idea for a ‘future plan’ to build on the child’s exploration and discovery – this is only part of the journey, because the ‘future plan’ needs to be observed and then Interpreted and linked to EYLF with ideas for further extension or new plans. There needs to be a continuous cycle of planning."

If this is the case then how do you keep building on to the "continuous cycle" Does this mean you only report on one observation continuously?. My coordinator gives no guidance on this except to continue saying the above statement. I understood the observations and planning to be on different observations on the child over time not only the one subject continuously, how is this possible surely building on one observation ideas have to run out eventually.
Help I'm at my wits end

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Re: Continuous Cycle of Planning

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:44 pm

With "continuous cycle of planning" it's all about extending on ideas, developing children's skills, abilities and interests. So, once you do a learning story or observation, as you reflect on the child's learning you will also add extension ideas or follow up activities. These follow up activities form part of your "continuos cycle of planning" and be added onto your follow up program.

When doing the daily dairy and evaluating the activities of the day, once you again you add extension ideas to your daily dairy, these go onto your program again which continues your cycle of planning. When you talk to parents, gain feedback and suggestions from them, analyse your learning environment, reflect on your work practices and teaching, all these strategies and information you gather will form part of your cycle of planning.

Doing one observation doesn't help, it's only is one part of documentation that needs to be done to show how you are planning... However, having a program, a range of observations, portfolios, learning stories and daily dairies these all show how you are continually planning through extending and following up on activities...

It's not so much about the amount of paperwork that needs to be done to show that your are continually planning, it's about the evidence you show through what you write...

Hope this helps!


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Re: Continuous Cycle of Planning

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:45 pm

If you have any more questions, let me know!


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