Teaching Colours To Toddlers

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Teaching Colours To Toddlers

Post by EmCass » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:28 pm

Hi all

About to begin in the 2-2.5 year old room and i wanted to get some advice on teaching the children fun ways to lear colours that will stick, besides having colour sorted pencils and colour matching etc

I have heard of some room doing set ups where they have a free play shelve and everything is one colour for a week then switching it? does this work?

Also looking at some group time books, what are your must have for this age group if you could buy 10 books?
and if you could what reference books would you have as a must for setting up play experiences i.e. transport, community, animals etc


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Re: Teaching Colours To Toddlers

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:05 am

Singing songs on colours really helps! And while you're singing the song you can even hold up the colour object just to re-enforce the colour you will be singing about. During transitions you could do something like "if you're wearing red today, go and wash your hands" "if you have yellow today, line up at the door" etc. You could also do colour theme play dough, water play (use food colouring, coloured rice, coloured ice or art and craft based on that specific colour. You could also play games on finding objects with a particular colour "where is blue, where is blue can you show me? can you show me? is there blue of here, is there blue over their? where can it be, where can it be". You could have a rainbow bag with different coloured objects, the children call out the colour as you take the object out of the bag. There are lots you could do with teaching colours!!

Books, books, books there are soooo many to list my faves are:

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see (colour book)
One fish 2 fish red fish blue fish (my toddler loved this book from 20 months old)(rhyming and repetition)
The very hungry caterpillar (counting and days of the week)
Spot books (he is cute and the stories are easy to read and follow)
Wombat stew (aussie animals)
Dear Z00 (my first book that I loved when i was a kid)
Where going on a bear hunt (awesome to use with the kids)
Goodnight moon (nice story)

These books are all that I can remember from the top of my head!

Hope this helps,


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