I have just started taking studies for cert 3 in early childhood. I have a question that I'm stuck on for one of my assessments and just looking for some advice...
Marlee (two) is living in foster care. The foster family has provided court documentation that states that Marlee is currently in protective care, and the family is not to contact Marlee until further investigation is conducted. One morning, Marlee’s parents arrive at the service demanding that they see their daughter. The Director clearly states that they have court orders on file that prevent the parents from contacting Marlee. The Director can smell alcohol on the breath of both parents, and therefore, requests that they leave the premises, or the police would be called upon. The parents become agitated and start to raise their voices and threaten the Director. In the meantime, the Administration staff call the police for emergency assistance.
1. What is the service policy the Director will follow in this incident?
I don't think this is correct but my answer would have been along the lines of "lockdown procedure" as the parents are becoming agitated and make threats its safer to keep the whole service in lockdown until police authorities arrive? or am i completely off topic for this question ?
any advice is greatly appreciated