Facilitate compliance in an education and care service

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Sienna Haydee
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:28 pm

Facilitate compliance in an education and care service

Post by Sienna Haydee » Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:38 pm

Dear Lorina,

May I seek your help, I am stuck in this question.

Research and summarise on aspect relating to legislation and regulations of assessment and rating in your area.

FYI, I am living in NSW.

refer to the question, does the aspect mean below:

➢ Excellent – 6 points

➢ Very good – 5 points

➢ Good – 4 points

➢ Satisfactory – 3 points

➢ Weak – 2 points

➢ Unsatisfactory – 1 point.

thank you in advance,

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Re: Facilitate compliance in an education and care service

Post by Lorina » Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:07 pm

Hi Sienna,

From what I understand it sounds like it's referring to an area within the regulations that can be assessed during assessment and rating.

Assessment and rating is based on the National Quality Standards that have individual Quality Areas. These Quality Areas are then assessed and your centre will receive a mark/ranking for each depending on a variety of factors.

For example: Quality Area 1 - Educational Program and Practice

This Quality Area is based around the program, planning and documentation that a service has in place to assess children and implement learning. This will be assessed during the Assessment and Rating and is also part of the regulations.

Here is how a service can achieve it: QA1

and in the regulations:

Part 4.1 Educational program and practice

73 Educational program

(1) This Part applies in relation to the program (the educational program) that is required to be delivered under section 168 of the Law to a child being educated and cared for by an education and care service.
(2) An educational program is to contribute to the following outcomes for each child—
(a) the child will have a strong sense of identity;
(b) the child will be connected with and contribute to his or her world;
(c) the child will have a strong sense of wellbeing;
(d) the child will be a confident and involved learner;
(e) the child will be an effective communicator.

74 Documenting of child assessments or evaluations for delivery of educational program

(1) The approved provider of the education and care service must ensure that, for the purposes of the educational program, the following are documented—
(a) for a child preschool age or under—
(i) assessments of the child’s developmental needs, interests, experiences and participation in the educational program; and
(ii) assessments of the child’s progress against the outcomes of the educational program; and
(b) for a child over preschool age, evaluations of the child’s wellbeing, development and learning.
(2) In preparing the documentation, the approved provider must—
(a) consider—
(i) the period of time that the child is being educated and cared for by the service; and
(ii) how the documentation will be used by the educators at the service; and
(b) prepare the documentation in a way that is readily understandable by the educators at the service and the parents of the child.
Note— A compliance direction may be issued for failure to comply with subregulation (1).

75 Information about educational program to be kept available

The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that—
(a) information about the contents and operation of the educational program for the service is displayed at the education and care service premises at a place accessible to parents of children being educated and cared for by the service; and
(b) a copy of the educational program is available at the following places for inspection on request—
(i) in the case of a centre-based service, at the education and care service premises;
(ii) in the case of a family day care service, at each family day care residence or family day care venue.
Note— A compliance direction may be issued for failure to comply with this regulation.

76 Information about educational program to be given to parents

The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a parent of a child being educated and cared for by the service is provided with the following information on request—
(a) information about the content and operation of the educational program so far as it relates to that child;
(b) information about the child’s participation in the program;
(c) a copy of the documents kept under regulation 74 in respect of the child.
Note—A compliance direction may be issued for failure to comply with this regulation.

Reference: National Regulations

Hope this helps!


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