Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Play and Development
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner
Your Question?
Which theorists or theory focuses on the PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD.
What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I have researched on googled, but could not find anything focusing on physical development.
Description and Message:
Hi everyone,
Lately I've been researching the following theorists; Piaget's theory on cognitive development, and Vygotsky's theory on Social Development . I have also summarized each theory and did some brainstorm of each theorist's.
However,which theorists speak about physical development of the child?? I know that Freud focuses on pyschosexaul development. Erik's theory is about Psychosocial and Jung's theory is about personalities. Which theorist's ideas can be linked to physical activities???
Thanks in advanced.
Theorists which focuses on Physical Development
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Theorists which focuses on Physical Development
Last edited by Lorina on Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Physical development theorists
This one had me stumped too, however I did find one theorist that focuses on physical development. His name is Arnold Gesell.... Here is some info I found about him:
Hopefully this is a starting point for you...
Gesell’s theory is concerned with the physical development of children. Through his observations of hundreds of children, he devised development norms attributed to ages. He determined the normal sequence of developments and the age range at which children should be able to do certain things, for example, roll over, sit up, crawl, walk, babble, talk etc. These age norms are still used today to study child development, and by those working in medicine, psychology and child-related fields.
When you are working with children, look out for the different stages of child development. Link this with the norms in your text books.
Ref: Unknown
Hopefully this is a starting point for you...

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