Observation Techniques and Best Uses

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Observation Techniques and Best Uses

Post by kirsty1900 » Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:36 am


8. Describe the following observation techniques and what they are best used to observe?

Observation Technique Description Best Use

Record details of what the child does and how they say things Take notes throughout the day to observe behaviour.

The learning domain here is language and the child’s ability to speak, read, and write, involving alphabetic and phonetic learning. Body Language and what the child has said and done.
Reading and talking regularaly is important to this process
Learning Stories A learning story provides and informative approach to document a child’s learning. It uses story telling to describe a child’s learning process. Learning domains here is Cognitive. Eg. A group of children focusing on making decisions and the consequence they follow. A learning story provides informative approach and experience of the events that have occurred.

Developmental Checklist It is not enough to consider age alone, to individualise each learning strategy, the educator must also consider the child’s development level. To observe developmental milestones (brain development)
Learning Domain : Fine and gross motor skills / creative skills. These are developed through exploration and experimentation

Event Sample Events build up a pattern of a child’s behaviour over a period of days or weeks. Writing a diary focused on one child i.e observe any aggressive behaviour at play time and how they can deal with self control techniques.
Learning domains for this area is social and emotional / creative

Running Record This is made by the educator writing down everything that happens over a period of time and are written in the present tense and are done over a short period of time of about 3-5 minutes. To get a precise sample of child’s behaviour and skills in a specific situation. E.g. a 1 year old child playing with blocks
Learning domain here is Physical

Time Sample/Sociogram
A sociogram is a map or diagram of friendships and interactions within a group of children. A Time samples is a snapshot of child’s day. Learning outcome here is Emotional

Sociogram is ideal to get a clear indication of who children prefer to play with and identify is children are socially isolated and how they interact with others.
A child needs to feel safe and nurtured and this is part of this development as is using manners and modeling kind behavior. Children learn what they see and adults and educators are their first examples. The things they learn to do reflexively become self-reinforcing habits as they grow older and see the effects of their manners and behavior.

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Re: Observation Techniques and Best Uses

Post by Lorina » Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:28 pm

Yes, I think you're on the right track with your responses.

I think here it's hard to pinpoint the exact domains because I feel any observation method can be used to explore each domain...


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