Write a conclusion to include the following information: (approx. 100 words)
How does a Sustainability management plan contribute towards Early childhood education to become environmentally and socially sustainable?
My answer so far
Teachers comment Please include more in your dissussion and focus on What are the benefits of the Sustainability management plan for children, educators and the community.
By having a sustainability management plan it looks at what the centre already does in relation to sustainability and makes you think about other ways that the centre can incorporate it into our practice. A few examples of doing this may include the following:-
• Compost Bin – breaking done of food scraps such as fruit scraps, leaves, paper, grass clippings, paper and worms will produce our own compost which will help keep our gardens healthy
• Using recycled materials for art work such as recycled boxes, leaves
• How to save power by talking
Children need to experience an environment where they develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds’. To do this children need their environment to provide a range of experiences and opportunities for learning about the world from different perspectives, so that they may develop an understanding of the nature and properties of substances spatial understanding familiarity of stories from different cultures an understanding of the nature and properties of a range of substances; spatial understanding; familiarity with stories from different cultures about the
Living worlds; working theories about Planet Earth and beyond; a knowledge of features of the land which are of local significance, such as the local river or mountain; theories about social relationships and social concepts; a relationship with the local environment and a knowledge of their own place in the environment; respect and a developing sense of responsibility for the well-being of both the living and the non-living environment; working theories about the living world and knowledge of how to care for it. It always assists our children to care for their future providing a better and healthier environment.
How to save power by using energy saving lighting system. And ensure all equipment be tested for energy saving by a qualified tradesman before being used by the centre. )
What are the benefits of the Sustainability management plan for children, families, educators and the community?
It also makes children area of their environment and how to care for it by planting trees, watering our gardens, to dry our clothes on the clothes line instead of the dryer just to name a few.
Being able to meet current needs, without infringing on the ability for future generations to meet their needs as the children are our future and we need to teach them how to look after it to make a healthy environment for all generations.
Sustainability may very well be part of all of a service’s polices in some form. Sustainability policies and procedures will comprise a service’s plans for improving
• The design of the indoor and outdoor environment
• Air quality and noise level
• Animal, wildlife and natural resources protection
• Energy and water conservation
• Use of chemicals
• Waste disposal
• The involvement of children, staff, families and local community in sustainable practice.
By developing a sustainability education program involving local early childhood services, councils can potentially reach up to 90 families for each centre involved in the program. This means great exposure, and the opportunity to create awareness about all kinds of environmental priority issues in a target audience that might otherwise miss out on important environmental messages.
Contributions and Benefits of the Sustainability Management Plan
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Contributions and Benefits of the Sustainability Management Plan
Last edited by Lorina on Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Contributions and Benefits of the Sustainability Management Plan
Once again you're on the right track... You may just need to include more benefits. You could find information in the following:
Sustainable Programs
As well as from the information I provided in your other topic Sustainable Management Plans.
Hope this helps,
Sustainable Programs
As well as from the information I provided in your other topic Sustainable Management Plans.
Hope this helps,