Good anti Bullying teaching method

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Good anti Bullying teaching method

Post by Misse84 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:19 pm

I did this with the kids at my school because we have a group of boys who tend to be bullies

"The teacher gave each student a clean crisp sheet of paper. She then instructed the class to crumble up the piece of paper, toss it around, get angry with it, and stomp on it.

After which, she told the students to return to their seats (with their piece of paper), flatten it out on the top of their desks, making it as flat and perfect as they can, and finally, apologize to the paper.

When all the students had done their best to iron out the paper and apologize to it, the teacher picked up the paper on the first classmates desk, held it up so the entire class could see it and said:

If this piece of paper had been another person, and you had done all those things to him or her, by making them feel less than perfect (through your words or actions), these are the scars you would leave. That person would never be the same, no matter how many times you tell them you are sorry, no matter how many times you try to smooth things out..."

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Re: Good anti Bullying teaching method

Post by cathiek » Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:54 pm

That is a good one Bubuella.

Have you heard of bucket fillers? It is an awesome self esteem program and works on accentuating positives. there is a book and it is easy to implement in the room. Google bucket fillers and you will find heaps. I use it all the time and my kids tend to say 'Johnny is filling up my bucket' when Johnny does something nice for them or, conversely, "Johnny is tipping mu bucket' when there is bullying.
I have a board in my room dedicated to bucket fillers.
Definitely worth a look

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Re: Good anti Bullying teaching method

Post by Lorina » Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:24 pm

At its simplest, Bullying is when a person deliberately and repeatedly hurts someone else. But the consequences, ranging from physical to emotional and behavioural, are anything but simple – both for the bully and victim.

The following article provides strategies on how you can prevent bullying in the early childhood setting.

Teaching Children and Preventing Bullying


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Re: Good anti Bullying teaching method

Post by Nandy84 » Wed May 11, 2022 7:18 pm

In a simple way, if someone behaves with others with the intention of harming, or/and breeds an atmosphere of fear or/and shows aggression, these behaviours are called as bullying.

One of the most important things apart from empowering children with bullying awareness is to intervene immediately, consistently, equitably, and appropriately when bullying behaviour occurs to stop bullying.

And then one can make children aware of different prevention approaches and strategies to refrain from bullying.

Teaching kind behaviour, good gestures, and prompt action against bullies are also important to stop bullying.



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