Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Questions on starting a Cert 3 or Diploma traineeship, duties during a traineeship, traineeship working conditions etc.
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Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by strawberryapples » Thu May 03, 2012 3:26 pm

Hi everyone,

I have a traineeship interview on Monday with a child care centre. Im just wondering if anyone may know what some of the questions will be.

Also i have already started studying in Childrens services Cert 3 am 7 Units through 16 and only have 9 Units left.
If i was successful in getting the traineeship would i continue studying with my current Tafe? Or would they change me to someone who they would have used for a trainee?

I have also read that it is normally a 12 Month contract would that be my case considering im half through?

Also what should i wear to the interview. They know i have children as i told them before i even gave my resume to them.

Would some of the questions be about the units i have already completed? Would they need to know about my last job i had as i was with the same company for 2.9Yrs and didnt need a interview for it as my partner was already working their so got me the job.

Also what should i take with me to the interview? I know the normal stuff like working with childrens check, and police check. But do i need to take print outs of the units i have completed?

Any advice would be great.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by Lorina » Sun May 06, 2012 4:57 pm

Typically when starting a traineeship, it's for someone who hasn't completed any part of the qualification. During your interview tomorrow you will have to advise the person you are meeting with that you have already begun your cert 3 qualification.  

Normally when completing a traineeship your employer will already have an institute where they would like you to do your qualification through. I'm not too sure what will happen in your case,  like I said before typically a traineeship is for someone who hasn't worked in this industry before. 

In regards to the questions they would probably just want to know a little bit about yourself. Since you've already been working in a centre previously they may ask you about it, what you did, etc.They may also ask you about your goals, what you want to do in the future etc. As for questions, they may also give you scenario based questions and ask how you would handle the situations... Don't worry to much about it, you'll be fine! 

The best outfit of choice would probably be black pants a nice top with black shoes.  Even though it is only for a Childcare centre it is important to have a professional appearance and it also makes a good impression. 

To take with you, your resume, first aid certificate, references, and a transcript of the units you've completed. 

Best of luck for your interview tomorrow!

Let me know how it goes, 

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by strawberryapples » Mon May 07, 2012 4:33 pm

Hi L.A,

I went to the interview today and seemed to go fine. The woman that interview didn't know a thing about me and told me she didn't get any the information like she was meant to so i had to explain everything and i asked her if she would like my resume and cover letter to go through and she said straight out no. The only question she asked was tell me about your self. Which i did i told her i was already studying and that i had 2 toddlers.
She told me that she is concerned about me because i live about 45 Mins from the centre and i would be using public transport.
She also said she was concerned if i would ever show up :o because i have 2 toddlers and asked all personal questions about my child like who will be looking after them.etc. She then asked what my finances were like and if i was only going back to work after my youngest because i wanted money :o . She seemed like a nice lady apart from them few little things.
When i turned up their while i was waiting for her she was telling a staff member off because she didn't like to change nappies or something and this is the last warning :shock: She was telling me how they also offer out of hours care and that seems more better for me ( Hmm i wasn't applying for that :? ) She then asked me if i was free tomorrow for a trial but due to a already planned appointment ( My daughter has a development delay). She said that fine and was polite about it and then said thursday is perfect as she has another trial on Wednesday. She had someone booked in for another interview after me.
Im not to sure what to think about the trial if it looks postive or not. She did state though that she will start me off with one day and i work my way up to more days and that after i finish the trial on Thurday she will have a chat to see if i liked it and if she liked me. i am really hoping so i spoke to a few staff their and they seemed lovely.

Is being offered a trial a good sign?

what should i wear to a trial? Should i wear what i wore to the interview?

thanks L.A looking forward to your reply :D

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon May 07, 2012 5:48 pm

Being offered a trial is always a good thing.
Just wear something comfortable and sensible for your trial as you will be amongst the children. Perhaps some trousers and a polo shirt or comfortable top that isnt too revealing when you bend over.
The trial will give you more of an idea of what it will be like to work there etc and you will get a better feel of the place.
Personally I find it weird you show up for an interview and she had no info about you ... anyway she seems to be giving you a chance so make the most of it.
Good luck and let us know how you go.

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by oofaoz » Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:11 am

Hello - I'm new in this forum. Can someone give advises?

I am also similar position to strawberryapples - I applied a traineeship with more than half way through my Cert 3 in children's services at TAFE. At the interview, I was asked to change the training provider for completing my qualification. I am not sure now whether I change the provider and do the traineeship or finish Cert 3 at TAFE then look for a job. Which one will it be better? Is it usual to change the provider middle of the study? I feel a little bit odd about it.

Hope someone help me.


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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by Lorina » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:27 pm

oofaoz wrote:Hello - I'm new in this forum. Can someone give advises?

I am also similar position to strawberryapples - I applied a traineeship with more than half way through my Cert 3 in children's services at TAFE. At the interview, I was asked to change the training provider for completing my qualification. I am not sure now whether I change the provider and do the traineeship or finish Cert 3 at TAFE then look for a job. Which one will it be better? Is it usual to change the provider middle of the study? I feel a little bit odd about it.

Hope someone help me.


Your questioned has been answered here: Traineeship? or finish Cert 3 first?


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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by Username1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:25 pm

Hullo strawberryapples,

I began my traineeship last year, after having already began cert III. Although in my situation I was only doing part time evening @ TAFE (whilst working FT at a dept. store) and my traineeship began a short while after beginning TAFE. Also, I was able to continue going to TAFE evening classes, even though I was a trainee - I desperately wanted this. I don't mind doing TAFE and working, because I think going to classes are of great value!!

Of course I cannot be sure what they will say about your situation, in terms of the units you have completed and what not. I do have a feeling that if they are considering you for the position, that your units you have completed shouldn't matter. Our most recent trainee has completed a handful of her Cert III units through a holiday program she did through high school. Also, even if I hadn't enrolled into TAFE last year, I could still have applied for credits on particular units for my traineeship, as I did Children's Services TVET throughout year 11 and 12.

I really hope this helps!

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by nipa » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:19 pm

Hi everyone,

I have a traineeship interview on Monday with a child care centre. Im just wondering if anyone may know what some of the questions will be.

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Re: Traineeship Interview and already Studying advice?

Post by Lorina » Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:43 am

nipa wrote:
Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:19 pm
Hi everyone,

I have a traineeship interview on Monday with a child care centre. Im just wondering if anyone may know what some of the questions will be.


You don't need to stress too much for a traineeship interview since the employer already understands that you don't have experience in childcare... That's why you are doing a traineeship in the first place.

However, you will still need to prepare yourself in some ways for the interview. Such as:

1) Dress smartly for the interview. What you wear can tell a lot about you. So always remember to dress smartly whenever you are trying to make a good first impression. You don't need to be too formal. At the same time, you don't need to wear something too simple as well.
2) Try to cut down on excessive jewellery or fancy stuff for the interview...
3) You might be asked on why you choose to do childcare?
4) Do you have experience working with kids before?
5) Do you understand how the traineeship works?
6) Can you manage work and also complete study?

I would also like to remind you that the traineeship will take a year and you will need to sign-up a contract to work at the centre for the length of your traineeship. The employer may ask you if you are available for the next 12 months in order to complete your traineeship. If you are planning a holiday within the next 12 months, it's better to let your employer know during the interview itself. It saves you the hassle of dealing with this later. This does not impact your chances of getting the job!

Other questions you might be asked will be how will you get to work, etc.

Just a heads up on other important things you should be aware of - you will have to undergo a police clearance check, working with children check. For these two, all you have to do is fill out a form and the employer does the rest. You will also need to provide details of any immunisation records. At some centres (not all), they will also require you to do a full health check-up.

If you have any experience working with kids such as through babysitting etc, it will benefit you to provide references from the parents so they can verify your potential. This also exhibits how interested and organized you are...However, if you haven't had any experience with children, don't worry... You can also provide a reference from past work-related experiences and a personal reference from a family or friend. This will make your resume look better...If you don't have any work experience at all, no worries, its still only a traineeship interview so the employers doesn't look into that too much as long as they are happy with you, your personality & character. So, remember to always put on a good smile.... :D

Good Luck!

Let me know how it goes!


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