Lately our service has had staff shortages and also people on annual leave. This the last few weeks they have been getting the toddler age group to go to lunc during rest pause but not covered by anyone. so only 1 person in the room during rest time.
Is it leagally required to have 2 staff for 15mth to 2 even during rest pause. Ive always been in the belief that 2 eduators at all times for under 2 years of age even during rest time.
Rest pause
Re: Rest pause
Here is what I found in the Regulations:
299C Educator to child ratios during rest period
(1) Despite anything to the contrary in these Regulations, the educator-to-child ratios during a rest period specified in a rest period condition are—
(a) for children over 24 months but less than 36 months of age—
(i) for the first 12 children, 1 educator to 12 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 6 children;
(b) for children over 30 months but less than 36 months of age—
(i) for the first 16 children, 1 educator to 16 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 8 children;
(c) for children at least 3 years but under 7 years of age—
(i) for the first 24 children, 1 educator to 24 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 12 children;
(d) for children at least 4 years but under 7 years of age—
(i) for the first 26 children, 1 educator to 26 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 13 children;
(e) for children at least 4 years but under 13 years of age—
(i) for the first 24 children, 1 educator to 24 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 12 children.
(2) If an approved education and care service educate and cares for fewer than 31 children, during a rest period specified in a rest period condition one staff member or volunteer may be counted as an educator for every 3 educators included in the required educator-to-child ratio.
Rest pauses and short absences
Educator to child ratios when educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person on rest pause
(1) A centre-based service is taken to meet the relevant educator to child ratio while an educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person is on a rest pause if—
(a) the rest pause is not more than 10 minutes duration; and
(b) the educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person has not already taken more than one rest pause that day; and
(c) there is a specified person present at the education and care service premises during the rest pause who is—
(i) not working with children; and
(ii) able to attend to children immediately if required;
It doesn't directly say for children under 24 months so my understanding is that it will be the usual ratio of 1:4.
299C Educator to child ratios during rest period
(1) Despite anything to the contrary in these Regulations, the educator-to-child ratios during a rest period specified in a rest period condition are—
(a) for children over 24 months but less than 36 months of age—
(i) for the first 12 children, 1 educator to 12 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 6 children;
(b) for children over 30 months but less than 36 months of age—
(i) for the first 16 children, 1 educator to 16 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 8 children;
(c) for children at least 3 years but under 7 years of age—
(i) for the first 24 children, 1 educator to 24 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 12 children;
(d) for children at least 4 years but under 7 years of age—
(i) for the first 26 children, 1 educator to 26 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 13 children;
(e) for children at least 4 years but under 13 years of age—
(i) for the first 24 children, 1 educator to 24 children;
(ii) for any additional children, 1 educator to 12 children.
(2) If an approved education and care service educate and cares for fewer than 31 children, during a rest period specified in a rest period condition one staff member or volunteer may be counted as an educator for every 3 educators included in the required educator-to-child ratio.
Rest pauses and short absences
Educator to child ratios when educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person on rest pause
(1) A centre-based service is taken to meet the relevant educator to child ratio while an educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person is on a rest pause if—
(a) the rest pause is not more than 10 minutes duration; and
(b) the educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person has not already taken more than one rest pause that day; and
(c) there is a specified person present at the education and care service premises during the rest pause who is—
(i) not working with children; and
(ii) able to attend to children immediately if required;
It doesn't directly say for children under 24 months so my understanding is that it will be the usual ratio of 1:4.

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