Kindergarten ratios and combined age groups

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Kindergarten ratios and combined age groups

Post by » Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:26 pm

Hi all,

I’ve just started as a kindy teacher in qld at a ldc service. Our occupancy is really low and some days I only have 12-13 children. Next door in senior kindy (next youngest group, also 1:11 ratio) might only have 6-8 a day. There’s one day that I hit 16 and on that day I get an assistant.

I have not worked in this environment before and just want to clarify a few things.

On the days when I have 13 I am instructed to open the door between the two rooms to make the ratio correct. Is this a violation of kindy funding regs?

Also during designated rest time we don’t get a lunch cover between the two rooms. The doors are open and there is one educator between up to 18 children. Hardly any of mine sleep.

I understand that this is a business but just want to check we aren’t putting our funding or careers in jeopardy.


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Re: Kindergarten ratios and combined age groups

Post by Lorina » Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:19 pm

On the days when I have 13 I am instructed to open the door between the two rooms to make the ratio correct. Is this a violation of kindy funding regs?

No, this is more to do with "under the roof ratios", - where the ratio is calculated across the service rather than per room - you can read more about it here:

Under The Roof Ratios

Also during designated rest time we don’t get a lunch cover between the two rooms. The doors are open and there is one educator between up to 18 children. Hardly any of mine sleep.

If children are sleeping then it should be fine however you mentioned that your children are up - for children who aren't resting they should be given quiet activities to do and during this time ratios should be in place since children are up. Children can be on their beds resting for 20 mins however, those who don't sleep need to be given quiet activities to do. So, this needs to be established.

Hope this helps!


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