My service is a 70 placement service which is currently at half capacity or less, there are between 33 to 42 children on varying days and we have the one ECT(who is also Nominated Supervisor)
The other day we were told we need a second ECT in the service on the days where we have over 40 children.
As far as we knew though, we can have up to 59 children before needing the second ECT and now we are told something completely different so we're in a rush to find a ECT within a few weeks, or one of us - most likely me as I'm the one with the diploma and 10+ years of experience. Considering how insane the planet is at the moment with covid, I doubt we will be hiring anyone so it looks like I'll be studying once more.
Apparently the legislation in NSW is 40 children and you need a second ECT? but the rest of the states are 60 and you need a second ECT?
This is highly unfair for NSW workers/businesses and bordering on ridiculous that the rules arent the same throughout the entire country. And unnecessary.
I hope I've posted this in the right spot, I figured it counts under ratio, but Im not sure.
How Many ECTs require.
Re: How Many ECTs require.
As per the National Regulations:
Requirements for early childhood teacher—centre-based services—60 to 80 children
(1) If a centre-based service provides education and care to 60 or more but not more than 80 children preschool age or under on a given day—
(a) an early childhood teacher must be in attendance at the service—
(i) for at least 6 hours on that day, if the service operates for 50 or more hours a week; or
(ii) for 60 per cent of the operating hours of the service on that day, if the service operates for less than 50 hours a week; and
(b) a second early childhood teacher or a suitably qualified person must be in attendance at the service—
(i) for at least 3 hours on that day, if the service operates for 50 or more hours a week; or
(ii) for 30 per cent of the operating hours of the service on that day, if the service operates for less than 50 hours a week.
(2) A centre-based service is not required to comply with subregulation (1) if—
(a) the approved number of places for children preschool age or under at the service is 60 or more but not more than 80; and
(b) the service employs or engages—
(i) a full-time or full-time equivalent early childhood teacher at the service; and
(ii) a second early childhood teacher or a suitably qualified person for half of the full-time or full-time equivalent hours at the service.
Reference:National Regulations
Requirements for early childhood teacher—centre-based services—60 to 80 children
(1) If a centre-based service provides education and care to 60 or more but not more than 80 children preschool age or under on a given day—
(a) an early childhood teacher must be in attendance at the service—
(i) for at least 6 hours on that day, if the service operates for 50 or more hours a week; or
(ii) for 60 per cent of the operating hours of the service on that day, if the service operates for less than 50 hours a week; and
(b) a second early childhood teacher or a suitably qualified person must be in attendance at the service—
(i) for at least 3 hours on that day, if the service operates for 50 or more hours a week; or
(ii) for 30 per cent of the operating hours of the service on that day, if the service operates for less than 50 hours a week.
(2) A centre-based service is not required to comply with subregulation (1) if—
(a) the approved number of places for children preschool age or under at the service is 60 or more but not more than 80; and
(b) the service employs or engages—
(i) a full-time or full-time equivalent early childhood teacher at the service; and
(ii) a second early childhood teacher or a suitably qualified person for half of the full-time or full-time equivalent hours at the service.
Reference:National Regulations

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Re: How Many ECTs require.
So what I've gathered is that a 2nd ECT is not yet needed, as we have under 59 children?
Re: How Many ECTs require.
But your serivce is a 70 placement centre... from what I understand it depends on the license of children at the centre... rather than the average children on a given day.
I would contact your regulatory authority to confirm...
I would contact your regulatory authority to confirm...

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