Review and evaluation

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Review and evaluation

Post by deelynne » Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:42 pm

Hi I am working at at LDC and am trying to get my head around the documentation cycle. Could anyone please give me examples of who they reviewed their program and then did an evaluation on what happened? Do you have to evaluate yourself also as well as the program and what happened.

Thank you so much

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Re: Review and evaluation

Post by Lorina » Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:29 pm

Hi Deanne,

With the program you evaluate each experience from the program in the daily diary. The daily diary is a tool used to evaluate the experiences which happened throughout the day. It could be the experiences already pre-planned in your program or it could be spontaneous experiences that occurred on that specific day. When it comes to evaluating the "program" itself, you are just reflecting on how the week went, any changes that are needed within the room, how was the room set up etc. The "program" evaluation doesn't need to be written down in the daily dairy, it is really just for your benefit in order for you to understand and see how the week went in your room. If you would like you can also do a self - evaluation, this is a time for you to reflect on your own teachings and practices throughout the week. You can reflect on what worked well, what needs improving, what are the strengths/weaknesses etc. The program and self evaluation isn't mandatory and doesn't HAVE to be completed as part of your documentation however it's a good idea to take a step back and assess how things went. It provides you with an opportunity to understand what is working and what isn't, it’s a chance to be honest and give yourself feedback.

In the Online Tools at the bottom of each of the EYLF Curriculum Plans I have added some program evaluation questions. I'm adding them below just to give you an idea on the sorts of questions you can answer for a program evaluation:

1) Do the experience/activities planned cover each of the EYLF L/O's?
2) Does the curriculum assist in the development of Belonging, Being and becoming?
3) Has Parent Input/ Feedback been added into the curriculum plan?
4) Is the current set-up of the environment working? Are there any changes required?
5) Is there anything I need to follow up in regards to children, parents, program or staff?

The question listed above are just to guide you with your program evaluation. It is definitely not the be all and end all in questions used for evaluating and everyone will probably have their own question to use in the evaluation process.

I am currently working on a self-reflection for educators to use, as well as a program checklist and reviewing the above questions. These updates will probably be available in the next version release of Online Tools which will be released in the coming months.

I hope I made things a little easier for you to understand. If not, please let me know and I will try my best to assist you.



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Re: Review and evaluation

Post by catchmeifucan » Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:09 pm

Currently using the weekly curriculum plan from this site and use the questions from page 2 as my program evaluation. I like to evaluate what has worked well in the room, how transitions went, if resources were sufficient, changes to be done in the indoor or outdoor area etc. I add these to the bulletin board so parents can see. I kinda write my own self evaluation on how the week. I don't always have time to complete it though. Would like something simple, quick and easy. Q and A's or even a checkbox. 

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