Personal Critical Reflections

Questions related to program, planning, assessing, managing documentation, implementing EYLF, MTOP, NQS and other approved frameworks.
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Personal Critical Reflections

Post by lozxox » Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:08 pm

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if any of you use a template for your personal critical reflection? I am after a template that is like the daily reflection template on Aussie Childcare Network, but for the personal reflections.

Please let me know if you have anything along these lines.

Kind Regards,


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Re: Personal Critical Reflections

Post by Lorina » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:01 am

I was actually coming up with some reflection questions that we were going to add to the Curriculum Plan as well as Reflections Of Our Day. We were supposed to release it with the current release of Online Tools however we decided to postpone it for the next version. Some of the questions for example are:

What teaching strategies worked well? Is there any need to implement any new strategies?
Do routine and transitions run smoothly? If not, what changes need to be made?
What are the strengths and weaknesses within the room?

Are those the sought of questions you were after or you wanted something more personal, rather than related to the running of the room or the Curriculum...


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Re: Personal Critical Reflections

Post by MissAmy » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:03 pm

I like those questions, but would also like something about staff/staff dynamics etc. Personally in my room, we have 3 staff (including myself) and one of those members can change the whole room just by her attitude during the day. I have been trying to record this in a professional way.

Don't know if it is worth asking here, but when do others do their PR's? I sometimes forget until a few days later and have been doing a quick back fill. Do others prefer to stay back after their shift to fill it out, or just do it the next morning before their day starts?

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Re: Personal Critical Reflections

Post by Lorina » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:45 pm

Hi Miss Amy,

In regards to the Personal Reflections I usually did mine at the end of the week... Sometimes you do end up forgetting but if you continue to do it at around the same time each week then it becomes a habit and fits into the routine.

With the questions I have come up with, the ones for curriculum plan can be completed at the end of the week and then the questions for reflections of our day can be completed daily. It may seem like a bit much but I don't think it is, especially if you're reflecting on your work and ethics and trying to improve your overall practice.

I'm just going to add the questions I've come up with. If I'm missing any let me know...

Curriculum Reflective Questions (weekly)

1. Do the experiences/activities planned cover each of the EYLF L/O’s? What’s missing?

2. Has parent input/feedback been added onto the curriculum plan? If no, why not?

3. Does the curriculum assist in the development of Belonging, Being & Becoming? Why?

4. Was the group broad goal achieved? How is it reflected in the curriculum plan?

5. Were the sufficient resources for all the experiences planned?

6. Was the level of supervision appropriate in all areas of the curriculum plan?

7. Is there anything that needs to be followed up with regards to children, parents, curriculum or staff?

Reflection Of Our Day (daily)

1. Is the current setup of the environment working? Are there any changes that need to be made?

2. What teaching strategies worked well? Is there any need to implement any new strategies?

3. How was the overall atmosphere in the room?

4. Do routine and transitions run smoothly? If not, what changes need to be made?

5. Are all educators within the room interacting with each child on an individual level? How can it be improved?

6. What are the strengths and weaknesses within the room?

7. Do all educators within the room communicate effectively with each other? How can it improve?

8. Do all educators within the room communicate effectively with parents? How can it improve?

8. Is there anything else?

By answering these questions I think you will be able to determine how things are going within the room environment, improvements that need to be made and the overall running of the room. I believe it's important to take a step back and reflect on our practice because only then we can improve....


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Re: Personal Critical Reflections

Post by Cor26 » Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:14 pm

Thanks for these questions. I have just been made EL and need to help get all the educators I work with reflecting effectively. These will help heaps!

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