Level/pay rate question

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Level/pay rate question

Post by Traici » Thu May 29, 2014 11:02 am

I began work in child care in April 2008, worked casually (average 20-30 hours per week) until January 2010 and then returned to work in February this year. Since February I have been averaging 15 hours per week. My current payrate is $21.56 but I believe after two years in the industry I should be on level 2.2 (I am studying my diploma but do not have cert 3) which means my payrate should be $22.44? I spoke to my boss this morning and told her I didn't think I was on the correct payrate and she now believes I am being overpaid? She said she would look into it and get back to me but I was after some advice in the meantime. TIA

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Re: Level/pay rate question

Post by Lorina » Thu May 29, 2014 2:32 pm

I just had a look at the classification levels and the pay rate and you're right, you should be on level 2.2 at least. In the award it states that if you are working under 19 hours per week you can progress to the next level after 24 months which you have... You are not being overpaid by any means! Why would your boss assume so? It's so frustrating dealing with money matters but you got the award on your side and they can't do anything... Fingers crossed you get the pay your entitled to!


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Re: Level/pay rate question

Post by Traici » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:57 pm

My boss told me tonight (at a staff meeting in front of everybody) that I was getting the right rate. I found my old payslips and my last job didn't put me up to level 2.1 until July 09 (six months before I left to have a baby). So I spent six months there on level 2.1 and have been in my current job for four months, but have only been averaging 15 hours so technically I guess I am still on level 2.1 because my last job didn't take into account the time I had spent working in child care before I started working there! If I have been on level 2.1 for six months at over 20 hours a week and then four months at under 20 hours a week, when should I expect the next increase? I am doing level 3 work as far as I am concerned. I am expected to do observations on children for example. Is there any way of bringing this up without getting fired? As a casual, they can stop giving me hours?

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Re: Level/pay rate question

Post by Lorina » Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:06 am

Completely unprofessional and unethical how your boss spoke to you in front of everyone. This issue is a private one and it should of stayed that way... I was assuming that you spent 24 months in your current job not all together... Another loophole I found in the award... if you spend 24 months at your current centre then you are eligible overall for a pay increase if they don't give it to you at the beginning. For a Level 3 increase in the award it states:
This is an employee who has completed AQF Certificate III in Children's Services or an equivalent qualification or, alternatively, this employee will possess, in the opinion of the employer, sufficient knowledge or experience to perform the duties at this level. An employee appointed at this level will also undertake the same duties and perform the same tasks as a CSE Level 2.

It's ultimately up to your boss to decide whether you qualify up to a Level 3... It's unfair since you may be doing work for a Level 3 but already your boss seems adamant about this issue. It doesn't mean you have to take it... You can talk to your director (get a copy of your job description as well as the Children's Award), write down a list of tasks, jobs, responsibility you have on a daily basis and show how it is more from what it says in your job description as well as in the Award.... It should just be a general chat about it and see what happens....

Are you getting your cert 3 qualification?


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Re: Level/pay rate question

Post by Traici » Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:29 pm

I am studying my diploma, no qualifications yet. Started doing cert 3 a few years ago and then took a break, it's cheaper to go straight into diploma now as it's covered by skills for all so I don't need to pay for it. Not finding it too hard, just struggling to find time between work and raising three kids on my own! I do need to have a chat with her, at the very least find out when I will move up to 2.2. I hope she is not expecting me to work another year before it's considered. Being new in the job, I find it hard to work out who it's "safe" to talk to about any issues I have, there's no knowing if I say something in confidence who it will get back to, if you know what I mean! I'm happy with the job, I work hard and believe I do just as much (if not more!) than other workers there. Almost all of the staff who don't have diplomas are still studying cert 3, I would love to be able to ask them all what their payrates/levels are!

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Re: Level/pay rate question

Post by Lorina » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:52 pm

I think it's actually more beneficial to go straight into a diploma just because you gain a higher qualification quicker then having to do cert 3 then a diploma.. Good to hear you're going well so far and yes time management is important. Well hopefully the quicker you finish your qualification you should be moving up to a different level depending on your position. As an assistant I think the minimum level is 3.4 with a diploma as a room leader I think you start as level 4.1 (every year at your workplace moving up)... I know what you mean about talking to your boss but if you got concerns you need to address them...it's better to get it sorted rather than wonder... Yeah it will be interesting to find out everyone's pay but it could cause some controversy!

My little one just woke up I'm off,


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