
Early Childhood Teacher interview

Feeling nervous about an interview? Wondering what questions you will get asked, writing a resume, what to wear? Share your thoughts or get advice before your interview.
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Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:12 am

Early Childhood Teacher interview

Post by wwy0011 » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:21 am

Hello everybody! Hope you're going well :)

I'm after some guidance regarding interviews for an ECT position. I've just had a phone interview and was just wondering if you were given these questions, how would you answer them (I feel like I didnt answer them too well).

1. How do you manage your time in a day of teaching?

2. What do you know about the workplace health & Safety regulations in an ECC?

3. How do you form meaningful relationships with children and their families?

4. How do you keep yourself updated on the latest government policies regarding childcare?

5. What can you tell me about the EYLF?

Thanks so much everyone, hope you're having a lovely day!! :)

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Joined: Wed May 11, 2022 4:17 am

Re: Early Childhood Teacher interview

Post by Nandy84 » Fri May 20, 2022 10:15 am


Answer for question number 1, according to me:

I always organize the day by priorities. Strategically, I plan homework assignments that I have to do in other time than teaching on a day. Then I always try to plan for potential crises and I always keep some personal time for me to breathe out so that the work and personal front can be balanced well

For your question number second visit the new laws and regulations in the below website

For question number 3,
Allow for Unstructured, Uninterrupted Time With Your Child Each Day.
Let Your Child Know You're Interested in His Activities.
Encourage Children to Express Their Feelings in Age-Appropriate Ways.
Respect Your Child's Feelings.
Play Games that Explore Feelings.
Communicate with families often.
Communicate the positive and the negative.
Foster two-way communication.
Use multiple modes of communication.
Understand each family's expectations and views about their involvement.
Approach the relationship with respect.

For question number 4
Please visit ... /ChildCare

For question number 5
Please visit
