I think I will get fired in my ECE position?

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I think I will get fired in my ECE position?

Post by Hunter » Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:15 am

Hi, I have been struggling since things happened and I really think I will be fired cause of this trouble. I am in Ontario, Canada. It happened this afternoon, and I was working in the Before and After School Kindergarten Program. I am the coverage staff covering the daycare staff taking their vacations. This afternoon, only two early childhood educators (me and another one) were in the playground; the thing happened when that staff was bringing her kids into the building from the playground. At that time, I was the only ECE in the playground. One child in my group said that another child threw her glove to the outside of the playground; I checked and saw a glove right beside the fence; I thought that one was hers, I looked around the playground, and there was no long stuff such as a branch or something that can help me to reach that glove. So I sent the child outside of the fence (the fence is not high, just around 0.5-0.8 meters) and tried to grab one of her arms to let her use another one to reach her gloves. But when I lifted her outside of the fence, she said that her glove was the one around 1 meter away from the fence, I let her quickly pick up her glove and then lift her up back to the playground, the whole process was about 30 seconds, and I was watching her during the whole process.

However, the staff who almost brought her kids to the room saw the situation; she was totally shocked and said I could not do that because I put the child in a really dangerous position; the child was not get injured; otherwise, I would be in big trouble. She also mentioned that she would talk about this to the centre manager tomorrow. After the conversation with that staff today, I deeply realized that I was doing a stupid and wrong thing for that child, I should never ever let the child along outside of the fence to do anything without my control. I really should consider more things before I let children do something.

Can anybody tell me if I will be fired because of this trouble?

Thank you guys so much!

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Re: I think I will get fired in my ECE position?

Post by Lorina » Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:31 pm


Our forum is based on regulations and laws in Australia, however, I don't think you will get fired because of this incident. You will most likely get a written warning kept on your file. Here, in Oz after 3 written warnings (official) then you will most likely be fired.

I'm not familiar with law and regulations in Canada but based on what you said it was a small incident and a written warning will probably suffice.

Hope all goes well!


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